18: Crackle and Pop

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ou left Recovery Girl's office, feeling slightly queasy. The winner of  the ongoing battle was going to be your opponent in the semi-finals. 

It was going to be either Katsuki or Kirishima. 

You entered through the entrance of the stands and was greeted by your friends. 

You took a seat. You had arrived about halfway through the match.

Kirishima sent a punch right at Katsuki with a hardened arm and grazed Katsuki's cheek. Katsuki used a counter attack on Kirishima and sent an explosion on his torso, burning away a bit of his track jacket. Kirishima wasn't affected by the attack due to his hardened skin. 

Kirishima went on the offensive and started sending repetitive punches at Katsuki, which he dodged with effort. 

Katsuki went for another counter attack. This time, it worked. His hand began smoking as her said something to Kirishima that you couldn't quite work out due to be distance between you.

Kirishima's hardening had reached its limit once Katsuki delivered the finishing blow and Kirishima fell to the ground.

Katsuki was the winner, meaning he would be your opponent in the quarter finals. You felt your stomach churn as you recalled Katsuki's match with Ochako and how she ended up almost unconscious. Your face paled a sickly colour as you tried to swallow the insanely huge lump in your throat.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Shoto asked for the second time that day as the weird sounds you were making snapped him out of his trance.

"I-I just need to go to the bathroom," you managed to squeak out before rushing to find the nearest restroom, leaving behind a worried Todoroki.


As you walked out of the restroom, your face bumped into someone's chest. You immediately looked up to find Katsuki scowling at you.

"Watch where you're going idiot!" He growled.

"S-sorry..." You quickly muttered before turning away from him and going in the other direction.

"The hell is up with you, Midget," he grumbled, surprised that you apologised instead of thinking of a witty comeback to his insult.

He followed you in the direction that you were going and you soon realised. You quickened your pace.

"Hey! Why the hell are you running away from me?!" He called after you, clearly annoyed.

"I'm not running away!" You yelled back, now sprinting at full speed and he could barely keep up.

"Then stop running, dammit!" He yelled again.

"I'm not running!" You turned around to look at him while you were running away from him.

Since you weren't looking where you were going, you bumped into someone again.

As you were about to apologise and run away, they grabbed your wrist.

"(Y/N), why are you running?" It was Shoto.

"Yeah, why the hell are you running?! And let go of her, half-n-half!" Katsuki stopped and tried to catch his breath.

"He isn't bothering you, is he?" Shoto asked, looking down at you with an unreadable expression.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Katsuki shouted at Shoto.

"I- uh," Your breath hitched in your throat as you were trying to think of something to say.

"Sorry, Bakugo," Shoto spoke in a bitter tone, "I was just asking (Y/N) here a question."

"Well, I said to let go of her!" His hands began to crackle and pop.

"If she wants me to let go, she can speak for herself." Shoto's voice remained calm and composed as he pulled you closer to him, causing your cheeks to heat up a little.

"Hey, what's going on? I could just hear Kacchan's yelling," Someone entered the scene. "Todoroki? (Y/N)?"

The green topped boy stared back and forth between you, Shoto and Katsuki before landing his gaze on you.

"(Y/N), are you okay? You look a little pale," Izuku walked closer to the trio before stopping a few feet in front of you and reached his unbroken hand to touch your forehead.

You felt Shoto's grip on your wrist loosen a bit and you took the opportunity to blot past Izuku before his hand could reach your head and you winded down the tunnel, leaving three confused teenage boys to eat your dust.

You sat on a bench in the middle of a small courtyard and tried to calm your nerves. It was springtime and the sakura trees were in full bloom. It was calming to sit there alone and watch the pale pink petals fall. Without realising, you fell asleep on the bench.


"(Y/N), wake up," Someone was softly shaking your arm.

You groaned, "5 more minutes."

The person that was shaking you only chucked, "Your next match is starting soon, it wouldn't be very manly if you missed it,"

"Kirishima?" You opened your eyes, "how did you know I was here?"

"Well, I saw that you weren't in your assigned waiting room so I kinda wandered around looking for you until I found you here," he rubbed the back of his head.

He helped you up and walked you to your waiting room, "Todoroki and Iida's match just finished and Todoroki won,"

"So, who am I up against, again?" You asked and scratched your head.

"You really don't remember? You're going against Bakugo!" Kirishima laughed.

"Oh, no." The ridiculous events that has occurred before you took your little nap washed over you like a tidal wave.



You gulped.

Katsuki only smirked and cracked his knuckles as his firey red eyes watched you like a predator hunting its prey.

You gulped again and you could've sworn your heart was about to pound its way out of your chest.

Your palms were sweaty,

Your knees weak,

Arms were heavy,

Mom's spaghetti.


Apologies for the shortish chapter, you see.

It was a bit rushed 😔

I have less time on my hands due to the excessive school work and never-ending piles and piles of work the teachers are setting us online

I'll keep updating new chapters soon.




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