6: The League of Villains

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facade (noun):  a deceptive outward appearance


"You will be scattered,"

"And tortured," 

"And slain."


You screwed your eyes shut and braced yourself for the impact of falling onto something hard but instead, you landed on something half? hard. Confused, you hoisted yourself up with your hands to see what you landed on. You got up to see Shoto with an incredibly red face. You soon realized you out position and your face heated up too. You were now straddling a half frozen Shoto with your hands on his chest.

You quickly jolted up and apologised, "Shoto! Are you hurt? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

"Don't worry, Y/n. At least none of us got hurt. I'm the mean time, let's try to get back to the others. It looks like we're in the land slide zone."


"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A crazed cackle came from behind you.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" You shrieked

"That's not important. Prepare to die!" The villains lunged at you and Shoto.

Shoto froze the attackers while you pierced for katana through the solid ground, activating your earth element, sending vines covered in poisonous thorns their way, holding your peculiar attackers in place. Shoot froze the rest of the villains, giving them an icy glare that could send chills down anyone's spine.


After a few minutes of interrogating the villains, you managed to squeeze a little bit of information out of them.

"'Scatter you and kill you', huh?" His words dripped with venom, giving you, as well as the villains the chills. "I hate to say this, but you just look like guys with Quirks they didn't know what to do with."

You and Shoto took a few steps towards them, causing them to shudder even more in their ice and vine casings.

"These kids... The instant we warped here..." One of them shuddered. "Are they really kids?"

Another villain popped out from behind you. Out of reflex, you pointed your palm towards him and swallowed him in vines as Shoto froze him in his unbalanced position. Shoto pulled away the villain's weapon, causing him to fall over.

You turned to the villains, smirking.

"At this rate, the vines wrapped around you will slowly secrete acid that will slowly dissolve your cells, eating you alive." You lied, trying to sound as intimidating as possible.

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