1: How It All Began

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for ratatouille-164 for reading my drafts over and over again before I publish :)

11 years ago

"Mama! Papa! Look!" You dashed to the kitchen, where your mother who was the pro hero, Aqua was making lunch and your father, Elemental hero: Avatar, was using his quirk to bloom the flowers in the garden.

"What is it, Little Hana?" Your mother smiled down at your small, bustling figure.

You lifted your hands in the air and the kindled fire from the stove danced towards you. The clear, azure water from the sink glided towards you in sync with the calm, crackling flames. The beautifully colored flowers that your father was growing rose and expanded their stems, causing miniature curves and unique swirls of verdure to flourish as they made their way toward you. You lifted your hands up higher for your parents to see. A gentle breeze came in through the garden window, making the curtains flutter around the kitchen. 

"Papa! I got your quirk!" Your (e/c) eyes shimmered with more and more excitement.

"Hana, I'm so proud of you!" Your father gave you a proud smile.

"Can I show Izu-chan and Kacchan?" You squealed.

"Sure, but be careful!"

"I will! Bye-bye!"

You darted out of your front door, over to the Bakugo household across the street where Kacchan lived. You pounded on the front door with your little four-year-old fists. Mitsuki opened the door with a warm, welcoming smile on her flawless face.

"If it isn't Little Hana!" 

"Is Kacchan at home?" You asked her politely.

"Yes! Come in." She opened the door enough for you to walk in.

"He's in his room." 

"Thank you!"

You bolted up the well-made stairs and down a hallway until you found a door saying 'Katsuki' on a sign. You gently tapped your knuckles on the door.

"Kacchan? Are you in there?"

A chorus of minute footsteps emerged from the other side of the tanned wooden door. The door rapidly swung open to reveal a pair of scarlet eyes and spikey, ash blonde hair. 

"(Y/n)!" He gave you a friendly hug.

"Kacchan! I got my quirk!" You grinned.

"What is it? I bet it won't be as great as the one that I'm gonna get!" He playfully smirked and jabbed a thumb at his chest.

"Yeah, It won't," You giggled at his frisky joke and poked his shoulder jokingly.

You repeated what you showed your parents except without the fire.

"Wow! That's so cool!" He gasped.

"Let's go show Izu-chan!"

Both of you scurried to a neighboring apartment block where your friend lived. You excitedly tapped your knuckles on the door. Inko, Izuku's mother opened the door with a smile.

"Hana, Katsuki, what brings you here today?" You could hear the smile in her voice.

"Is Izu-chan at home?" 

She smiled at the nickname, "Yes dear, he's in his room."

"Thank you!" 

You bowed slightly and sprinted past Inko to Izuku's room. you kicked his door down enthusiastically.

"Izu-chan! I got my quirk!"

"Wow! (Y/n) can I see?"

But of course, good things don't last very long. Unfortunately for you, your happiness was coming to an end. 

You could barely remember the faint details of the fire, nor could you remember what your parents were like. As odd as it sounds, every fragment of those memories seemed to fade away as time went on.

All you could remember was the fire. The blazing hot fire that engulfed your house, ripping away your parents, trapping them to a place beyond your reach. They saved your life while sacrificing theirs. 

The air was thick with black smoke. You could hardly breathe. You couldn't even recall the faces of your childhood friends. You would often have dreams of the times you would play with them at the park. That was just about it.

You were carried to the hospital to treat your burns and wounds. The doctors and nurses were surprised that you survived, judging by your parents' condition. You had no close relatives you could live with. The only relative you had was reported missing with deceased parents. 

Upon your arrival at the hospital, you met a kind woman who looked like she was in her mid 30's. She had long, silky white hair that was as white and pure as snow and beautifully unique grey eyes. Her name was Rei. Rei Todoroki. She kept you company while you were at the hospital. A little boy with half of her white hair and the other half crimson came to visit her, Rei introduced you to him.

"This his my son, His name is Shoto." She smiled warmly. Her voice was kind and soft, giving you tranquility. "I wanted to introduce you to him. Since you two are the same age, I thought you could be friends." 

You gawked at the little boy that was hiding behind Rei, clutching onto her floral gown. His eyes were so charming and alluring. One of them of which was a bright turquoise, which reminded you of the ocean when the sun was at its peak. His other eye reminded you of a night without stars, like Rei's it was a lovely grey colour someone could get lost in if they stared for too long. 

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you, Sho-kun" You held out your little hand for him to shake. "Can I call you Sho-kun?" 

He nodded timidly and shook your hand. 

"Wow! Your eyes are so pretty!" You clenched your hands into tiny fists and shook them up and down. Shoto looked quite taken aback by your sudden enthusiasm. Rei smiled sweetly at the both of you.

You grabbed Shoto's hand and pulled him to the Hospital's garden where the flowers grew. You plucked a few and made a flower crown. Shoto stared at you in confusion. Picking up the flower crown, you placed it on his head and giggled.

"Sho-kun! You look so cute!" 

"T-Thank y-you, (Y/n)-chan" He stuttered quietly in a quiet, yet wonderfully melodic voice.

For the next few weeks, Shoto visited you in the hospital until you were collected by your uncle, Toshinori Yagi. He was a cheerful and heroic man, a few years older than your father. You moved in with your uncle after your parents' funeral. Your parents were the now deceased pro heroes. Aqua and Avatar. Known to have died in a tragic house fire with a missing daughter.

For security reasons, you were reported as missing by the police to keep you safe. It was only a cover-up of the truth.  Your uncle lived far away from Musutafu in Japan. You never said goodbye to your childhood friends for you were supposed to keep your identity under wraps. 




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