3: Warming Up to Everyone

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painstakingly: (adverb): with great care and thoroughness


After the 10 mintes of the practical exam was over, it was time for the written exam, which wasn't exactly your stong point. Once the whole entrance exam was over, you stretched your cramped muscules.

"Phew! That was exhausting!" You sighed. 

A few days later...

You received a letter in the mail from U.A. about a week ago telling you that you had been accepted. A short video from none other than Uncle Toshi, aka the No.1 hero, All Might,  informed you that you had been accepted into the prestigious high school. Although you couldn't attend school for the first two days because of an injury, you were excited since it was the first day you were attending a school with other kids. 

You slipped on your neatly arranged uniform, grabbed your breakfast and headed to your new school with your Uncle. He continuously lectured you about some stuff, as an overprotective parent would. Once you arrived at the school, All Might went towards the staffroom and you made your way to class 1-A. It was really nerve-racking because you didn't actually know anyone there, except the principal and All Might. You awkwardly scurried around the labyrinth hallways until you found your classroom. 

The door was obnoxiously large with 1-A printed in bold, dark crimson letters. 

Lucky for you, there was no one there. You painstakingly dragged your feet to a desk at the back of the classroom. You sat down in peace, reading a book until you heard a gruff voice.

"Who the hell are you?" the voice spoke.

You jolted up in your seat and turned your head in the direction of the voice.

"Um... I'm (Y/n) (L/-- I mean, Yagi." You nervously fumbled with your fingers on your desk.

"..." He stared at your face with utter shock.

"Uh... Is something wrong?"

"(Y/n)-chan?!" He inhaled at least 10 lung fulls of air, his eyes wide.

"Kacchan?!" You gasped 

"I thought you were missing. Y'know, after the fire..." He trailed off.

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