EJ's little sister

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Wow 2 updates in the same week... it's like Christmas or something lol

I came up with this idea a few days ago, and thought it was cute. Will most likely be a 2-parter because of how detailed it is. I hope you all enjoy! Also this mainly focuses on EJ's home life. Takes place at the beginning of HSM:TM rehearsals (season 1. EJ and Nini are not dating but on good terms).

Also idk why but the first half seems kinda confusing. Sorry if it was hard to read to anyone. I kinda got confused while re-reading it lol. Part 2 will be SO MUCH BETTER AND MORE DRAMA SO LOOK OUT FOR THAT!

Enjoy tho!!!


"EJ honey. Can you come downstairs please! Family meeting!" My dad called. I felt the urgency in his voice.

I quickly slammed my laptop shut and stumbled down the stairs. I had such a long Friday full of rehearsals, and I was so ready to relax this weekend. This news better not fuck up my restful weekend.

I came downstairs to see both my parents, along with Ashlyn and her parents sitting down on the couch, this wasn't going to end well.

"Take a seat son." My other dad said. (what the heck, lets give EJ two dads. I doubt he does in the show, but he was always so supportive of Seblos so I decided to give it a shot :))

I looked around at everyone. "What's going on?" I questioned. "Dad? Papa?" (Lmao why is it in every story when there are 2 dads, they are labelled "dad" and "papa". I have no idea but thought it was appropriate for this story haha)

I made direct eye contact with Ashlyn and she gave me the same confusing look. "I don't know what's happening." She mouthed.

"We called this family meeting because we have some very important news." Uncle Dennis spoke.

Both of us were still sitting in utter confusion.

"So as you know, it's been basically eight months since Rosie went away," my Papa started.

Both Ashlyn and I nodded in understanding.

"We just got the call," Aunt Debbie spoke. "She's coming home!" Her and uncle Dennis squealed.

What. Rosie is coming home. Oh my god.

Ashlyn cheered then joined a group hug with her parents and mine. I stayed sitting on the couch, with a mixture of emotions. I was shocked, happy, confused, excited, and anxious.

"Come on sport!" Dad cheered. "Aren't you excited that your sister is coming home?"

I shook off all of my negative feelings then joined the rest of the family jumping up and down, being ecstatic that Rose is coming home.

Our parents surprised us with an impromptu pizza party and movie night at my house. Both my parents and Ash's were so dorky, but we kept that our little secret. Must be a Caswell gene or something.

When the adults were busy cleaning up after the movie, I managed to sneak away and sit on the porch swing on the back deck.

I stayed there for awhile, getting lost in my train of thought. I was feeling so many emotions about Rosie coming home, I needed some time to process it all. Neither positive or negative feelings, just regular feelings.

"Mind if I join?" I heard a soft feminine voice. It had to be Ashlyn. It didn't sound like my Aunt Debbie. It certainly wasn't either of my dads or Uncle Dennis.

I scooted over, not even looking up to confirm my suspicions. Then I felt the porch swing move slightly so I knew that Ashlyn got the idea and sat down beside me.

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