Nini skateboard accident

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Thank you for the suggestion by Werido7878 !
Please feel free to leave me suggestions and ideas in my "HELP SUGGESTIONS" chapter. This is a oneshot of when Ricky teaches Nini to skateboard and then she falls and hits her head and loses her memory and it's up to Ricky to help her remember who she is! Also warning this mentions throwing up because Nini has a concussion. It's only mentioned once and very very vague.

Also they are both in grade 9 so they are both good friends and before they started dating... lol the first time (cause we all know they are gonna date season 2)
Happy reading :)
"Hey are you sure that this is a good idea?!" I asked Ricky.

"Oh shut up you are fine" He smirked back while we waited for my mom to pick us up. School ended over an hour ago but Ricky had to wait for me because I had musical rehearsal. Is there even a point of going to the rehearsal if I'm playing a fork? I'm not doing the musical ever again!

Ricky and I made a deal. If he helped me with my science homework then the price would be him teaching me how to skateboard. I tried in grade 7 and fell on my knee and scraped it pretty badly. So we didn't really try to whole skateboard thing again. I would just ride my pink bike beside him while he skated. That was the way it always was since we were able to go to school all by ourselves together.

Ricky is really good at science, I practically begged him and he agreed under one circumstance.... if he could teach me how to skateboard again. I was desperate and agreed on a whim not even considering the what I just committed to.

"Ok but last time we did this I tore a hole through my leggings and I scratched my knee really badly." I told him.

"Nini you were 13 then, we are now 15 and much more mature!" Ricky exclaimed.

"Do I have to...." I whined.

"Yes because you are my best friend and best friends keeps promises. You promised Nins." Ricky said.

"Ok fine! But you better make sure I don't fall!" I retorted.

"No promises!" he grinned.

We then left the school building and got into my moms car. Ricky was staying at my house because his mom was in Chicago and his dad was in Winnipeg for work. We climbed into the car and drove to my house.

"How was school kiddos?!" Momma C happily said in the drivers seat.

"It was really good. Today we worked on our essays in english class!" I said with a smile across my face.

"You are crazy! Who likes working on essays??!" Ricky said.

"Well english is my thing when science is yours. We all have our callings Richard." I sassily remarked.

"You know I don't like being called that!" He defensively said. I could tell he was a bit upset.

"You're right. I'm sorry Ricky. I won't say it again." I apologized.

Momma C just glanced at me in the rear view mirror and gave me a quick smile saying like 'good apology' so I smiled back and keep looking out the window until we got home. It was only a 5 minute drive.

"Alright home sweet home!" Momma C called out when we pulled into the driveway. Ricky and I quickly grabbed our backpacks and he grabbed his skateboard and we ran inside to get a snack.

"Woah look at these hungry teens!" Momma D stated as we barrelled through the front door and into the kitchen.

"Here are some freshly baked muffins for you two!" She told us while handing us both a warm and fresh blueberry muffin. Her cooking was the best, and Ricky and I just scarfed down her famous blueberry muffins.

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