Rini- grounded

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This story takes place before season 1 and before Ricky and Nini started dating. They were best friends and Ricky went to Nini's house after his parents were fighting. Nini comforts him. Also idk why i chose the name grounded. It's not like they did something bad and they are grounded. I meant it as Ricky is hurting and nini is the rock and holds him down and makes him feel grounded. So lmao please don't judge the story based on the crappy title. Ok enjoy. Happy reading :)
9:32pm friday
"You're being ridiculous!" My mom yells from downstairs. Great my parents are fighting again. Just once I want to go into the weekend feeling happy. But it's never the case.

"How am I being ridiculous? Have you heard yourself recently!!!??" My dad yells back. I don't even want to know what this argument is about.

Sometimes I just wish they would get along. Or at least not fight infront of me. It's like they forget I exist and they're too busy fighting with each other in their lives.

Usually I'm pretty good at ignoring it and I will just head up into my room and play guitar, or head to the skatepark if I need to get out of the house in a pinch. But today I am not having it. I already had a bad day at school, and I have the worst headache, and to top it all off, my parents aren't even fighting about certain things anymore. It's like they can't even have a conversation without someone losing their shit and then they break out into this huge fight all over again. Rinse. Recycle. Repeat.

I have to get out. Not just to the skatepark. I have to leave for the night. I would go to Big Red's, but he is out of town with his dad for this truck show thingy. Is it too much to ask Nini if I can come over? No. She's my best friend. She will understand.

Ricky: hey nins are u at home rn?

Nini: Yeah why? Everything ok?

Ricky: no parents fighting again

Nini: Aw I'm sorry bub. Want to come over here to catch your breath?

Ricky: if u dont mind. i dont wanna be a bother

Nini: Of course not. My moms and I love having you here. Come on over :)

Weight off my chest. This is why she's my best friend.

I hate when Ricky's parents were fighting. This boy has so much happening in his life right now, like he doesn't need any more drama. I'm just glad he feels safe enough to come to me when he is hurting.

-15 mins later-

Ricky knocks at the door and I let him in. He seems different tonight. Usually when Ricky comes over when his parents are fighting, he is really mad and angry. Today he seems upset.

"Come here Rick. Snuggle up on the couch." I motion to him. He follows my instructions and sits down.

"You want to tell me what's going on now?" I ask him.

Then he just looks at me with these hopeless eyes. It breaks my heart.

"Nini, I don't want them to divorce. I really don't. I don't understand why they can't just peacefully settle disputes and why they just start yelling." He says while he is getting tears in his eyes.

I know the Bowen family. His parents were never the most compatible, but recently it has been escalating. I have not seen lots of fighting, but Ricky has been getting more upset everytime he comes to my house. I honestly don't know how much longer they will be living under one roof.

Then Ricky wedges his head into my shoulder and just stays there. I can tell he is crying. I have never seen him so worked up over his family before. Yep definitely getting worse.

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