2x07- "Babe" (Portwell)

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This is going to be my own idea one shot, but inspired by the interaction of EJ and Gina back at North High when the student was talking to her (season 2 episode 7)

Tw: creepy man, cat calling, sexualizing teenage girls, mentions of child abduction (lol idk how to explain. Just Gina feels uneasy around men because of something that happened when she was a kid)


"Why are we at a Target on a Saturday morning?" Ricky groaned as the whole theatre gang pulled up to the only Target in Salt Lake City.

"Miss Jenn wants us all to find three items that relate to our character for a part of our acting immersive." Carlos said as he read the text from his phone.

"Huh?" Seb piped up.

"Okay everyone, I guess go find three items and meet back here in 30 minutes?" Carlos uneasily said as everyone split apart.

It was definitely a weird idea that Miss Jenn had, but the whole point of this acting immersive this weekend is to really understand our characters.

We all murmured in agreement and went separate ways.

I immediately knew where to go... the cleaning section. I'm playing Babette. I'm obviously going to get a feather duster as my item. Simple.

I looked up at all the signs in the store then found the household cleaners one and decided to go over there to find what I needed.

"Hey." I heard a voice call from behind.

I turned around to see an older man dressed in oversized, dark clothing who was walking towards me in the aisle.

"Uh hi?" I awkwardly fumbled as I kept scanning the shelves to find a feather duster.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone in this store?" He creepily asked.

As he approached me even closer, I quickly turned around and swiftly walked away.

'No not today. Please.' I quietly said to myself as I fought the urge to burst into tears and run out of the store. My biggest fear is when men talk to me or try to hurt me. It's always been a lingering fear of mine since I was a little girl. (Literally my biggest fear too. I can't go out alone at nighttime even to walk my dog, even though I live in a really safe neighbourhood)

My theatre friends have never seen that side of me, the vulnerable side, and it definitely wasn't going to happen today.

Once I felt like I lost him, I found myself in the women's clothing section. I didn't want to wander anywhere far because here I had a beeline for the doors incase I had to escape. My biggest nightmare isn't becoming a reality today.

"I think this will look gorgeous on you." The man said from behind as he held up a coral bikini set.

I quickly shook my head then walked away again.

"Come back!" He called out at me started following me.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He called out as he kept following me on the store.

I ignored him and kept walking, ready to flee any minute.

"Hey babe!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind, not the creepy man. A theatre kid.

I turned my head around to see EJ approaching me. Once he was at my side, he protectively put his arm around me.

"Hey babe." I confidently replied once I knew what he was doing.

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