Rini 1x09

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Post episode 9/intermission of act 1 and act 2. Basically what should've happened if Ricky found Nini after he saw Lynne and Todd. This is during intermission.

POV: Ricky
"Has anyone seen Nini" I asked Carlos, Seb and Kourt right after I ran off stage. "I could really use a pep talk right now" I said. Honestly with everything that just went down I need Nini right now, to tell me everything is going to be ok, to help me out. She's the only person who gets me right now.

"She seems a little nervous" Carlos said. What the heck does he mean by she seems a little nervous!!!! "Why what happened?!!?" I ask them with panic in my eyes.

After Kourtney fills me in, I immediately change my priorities cause I need to find Nini. The poor girl is probably upset as we speak, and I'm hoping I can get through to her.

POV: Nini
After I saw that dean in the audience, my heart started racing. I have this weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know what to do, should I be upset with Kourt? No she's my best friend, she was trying to help me. Should I be looking for someone to talk to? Ugh no everyone is already overwhelmed with opening night. Should I be nervous? Of freaking course! I just want someone to talk to.

Then I hear someone coming towards me. Oh great, i think to myself, I hope it's not Miss Jenn trying to give me a quick intermission pep talk...

"Hey Nins, are you ok?"
Wait that wasn't Miss Jenn. Or Kourt. It was a familiar voice. It was Ricky.

I quickly collect myself and act like I wasn't hella scared, and I open the curtain of the change booth and go "Umm yeah..." I quietly say. "Im coming in" he softly says. I really wanted him to come in, cause I really needed him right now. As much as I love Kourt, I feel like she doesn't get me at times. Ricky will always hear me out.

"Hey buddy, I just heard about that Dean. How are you holding up?" He asks. Just his soft voice he uses when he knows something is up, just gives me butterflies. Hearing that voice, gave me flashbacks of when he would come to me when his parents were fighting, or when I would complain to him about my period. He just had that gentle voice that comforted me. It reminded me of when we were together, and happy, and everything was perfect.

I couldn't keep it in anymore, I let out a sob into his shoulder. Just it's like I have been bottling it up since September. It all came out. My tears from our breakup, from everything that happened with EJ, from all of this YAC drama. I just broke down. In front of my ex. Oh god.

POV: Ricky
Once I came in to make sure she was ok, she broke down crying in front of me. It honestly tore my heart. Seeing her this upset got me upset too. But i couldn't show it because I had to be the grounded one right now.
"Shhhh it's ok. It will all be ok" I whispered to her as I stroked my hands through her long brown hair. This was so upsetting to me. Here I was all freaked out over my moms dumb boyfriend while Nini is hurting. I would do anything to make her feel better. Maybe a kiss? No Ricky. Not the time.
She kept spilling everything that has happened in the past few months between us...
"Ricky that night when you left me in my room, I couldn't leave me bedroom for days. I was too depressed to do anything. Ricky you mean everything to me. I just can't imagine life without you. I miss us. I miss talking about everything together. I miss hanging out everyday after school. I miss you riding your skateboard while I biked beside you......" Nini went. Wow she kept going. I had to stop her before she said anything the didn't mean to say.... or anything she didn't mean to say.

"Ok Nini calm down, everything is alright." I said to her while rubbing circles on her back. Wow she is really upset. Did I cause this? Did I break Nini Salazar-Roberts? Oh no she's the one who's supposed to be fixing me. I don't know how to fix this.
"Here nini, take this" I gave her a tissue and helped her wipe her tears. God this was heartbreaking to see. "Don't stress about the Dean. Just be yourself. And if YAC doesn't want you, then I'm the luckiest boy in the world because I will have Nini living in Salt Lake City with me." She started to calm down a bit, but she still seemed pretty worked up. I just cradled her until she seemed to stop sniffling. About 10 minutes went by, and we were still there. Just us two. Just holding each other close. Just like how it used to be.

POV: Nini
This wasn't the Ricky Bowen from September. This wasn't the boy who walked right out of my life because he was scared of commitment. This was a different Ricky Bowen. One that I missed. One that I haven't seen in awhile. This Ricky Bowen was sympathetic and cared about me. Wow I missed him.
"Sorry for that Ricky" I blurted our after my whole crying episode. I said way too much than I should've.

"Hey you don't need to apologize, I'm just glad to see you better." He replied.

Wait a sec, why did he come get me? Did Kourt send him? Oh great he was probably sent. He wasn't back to the old Ricky. Someone sent him here. I started getting tears in my eyes again.

"Um Ricky... why exactly did you come find me? Were you sent here? From Kourt?" I asked while trying to avoid eye contact cause I looked so bad right now.

"No Nini! Are you crazy? Why can't your best friend just come find you by himself? Nobody sent me. I came to find you on my own" was his response. Wow he just called him my best friend. Damn I miss this boy.

"Ricky what's going on? You usually find me if you are upset. I know something is up. I want to make you feel better like you did with me" I said while giving him puppy dog eyes.

"My mom decided to bring Todd. Her boyfriend. And didn't tell me. And I was doing so well until he came. Then my whole performance was thrown off. And then....." I cut him off. He was getting worked up too. What have a done?

"Aw Ricky. I'm so sorry." Was all I could say. I have never experienced what he is going through. So that's all I could say really. Wait a sec, why is this boy NOT in his jersey. Oh god what is he up to now.

POV: Ricky
Now Nini is the one comforting me? I don't know if this makes us a good couple or bad couple I think to myself.

"Ricky" she says softly "why aren't you in your costume?" Oh great. Now I need to hear her give me a pep talk saying how she needs me in the musical. "Um yeah I've decided to let EJ play the part of Troy for act 2. I wanted to give you the best shot up on that stage for the dean. EJ will help you with your full potential. I would be a mess on stage if I saw my mom with Todd again." I shyly said.
"Ricky no I want to do it with you." She goes.

Of course. She's gonna act like she needs me just so I finish the musical. But I truly can't.
"Ricky, listen to me, I. Want. To. Do. It. With. You." She repeats herself. Wow she really meant it. I felt it in the way she said it. Are you joking? I finally help Nini and now she's making me go back on as Troy. Plus EJ is already in the costume. I don't know what to do now.

"Plus I cant bare to do that kiss at the end with EJ, it would be too awkward kissing my ex infront of everyone" she chuckles.
"Um Nins, I am your ex too." I questioned.
"Yeah but it's different" is all she went before kissing me. Yes. Nini Salazar-Roberts kissed me. Not just a phoney on stage kiss. But a real one. With passion. I felt it. I guess it really is the start of something new.

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