season 3 rini goodbye

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I'm back hi! I'm alive! Sorry for disappearing but I just had no motivation or interest going on this app anymore UNTIL now!

More importantly- HOW ARE YOU GUYS?! Any og readers here? I've missed seeing your usernames & comments! Honestly the comments & reactions are by far the best part about writing. PLEASE COMMENT GUYS I MISS YOU ALL!!

I have recently gotten into writing again & I was reading some of my old stories (#1, ew and #2 it reminded me of how special writing makes me feel). I know writing fanfic is kinda gross but I forgot how creatively fulfilling it is to create an entirely new storyline with characters who you love so much.

So I'm going to try and own up to writing and try and not be as embarrassed (even tho it'll be hard) cause let's be honest you guys are still reading it so I can't be the only one who finds joy in reading/writing them.

In season 3 we were robbed of a proper Rini send off so here it is! Also pretend she said bye to everyone else. If you want another story of her saying bye to everyone individually maybe I can do that too.

Love u guys and hopefully it won't be another year of hearing from me. I have lots of season 3 prompts and definitely some season 4 ones coming once it airs! Hoping for more stories and hopefully improved writing (in the future cause I'm definitely rusty)

Enjoy and don't cringe too much :)


Nini POV

I just came by Shallow Lake to say goodbye. It's been officially decided that I'm moving to California. And soon. I knew without a doubt I had to say goodbye to everyone. Especially Ricky.

I didn't want me showing up and telling him just before he went on stage to throw him off, so instead I decided to discreetly sit in the back and talk to him after the show, to break the news.

Except my plan didn't go as well after he saw me in the audience during Kristoff's lullaby. I could tell his face immediately dropped once he saw me, but thank goodness no running off stage like the Todd situation in semester 1.

The rest of the show went somewhat smoothly, Kourt killed it, but I knew it was time to find Ricky. I kept dreading the moment, but it had to be done.

I didn't want to walk backstage and have all the attention pulled to me followed by a hundred questions, so instead I just texted him to meet me on the dock.

I sat patiently with my feet dangling in the water trying to figure out what exactly to say. Clearly I didn't have enough time because I immediately saw Ricky start to approach me. He sat down beside me and faced the water as well. We hadn't made eye contact yet, both just sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"You're back." He muttered. "How was California?"

"It was actually really good. And you know Marvin?"

Ricky nodded in my peripheral vision.

"So he's actually my biological dad." I added.

Ricky turned and faced me, I felt the dock shift and his eyes beaming down on me. "Marvin is your dad?"

I laughed and nodded. "Crazy right!"

He laughed too.

We both went quiet then you could feel the mood dramatically change. "But that's not what you wanted to tell me did you?" He sadly asked.

"Here goes." I muttered to myself before fully turning to face Ricky properly now.

I shrugged. "So I really loved California," I started "a bit too much."

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