Nini. Jealous? 1x07

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Requested by @anu245 literally ages ago! I'm really sorry, but I wanted to rewatch the thanksgiving episode because I wanted to get some ideas, and get some lines from the episode. And my dad cancelled our disneyplus membership because hsmtmts was done. Anyways he caved and felt bad for me and started monthly payments again. Thx Dad!

So that's why I haven't been able to write this request and my other one for awhile. Please enjoy!

This is how the Thanksgiving episode should've went if Nini was jealous of Ricky and Gina (who am I kidding we all knew she was jealous) but this'll be her perspective of it all.
So I don't know what's wrong with me. It's just, Ricky is making me excited to come to rehearsal now. And I actually want to work with him. It's weird. I'm supposed to me mad at him.

But on the other hand, Ricky's been kinda great lately. It's like the good old days. When we were dating. Even before that. When we were best friends and got along together so well. He looks really good... in the show.

After rehearsal, Ashlyn invited us all to her house for a thanksgiving after party. If I'm being honest, I'm not totally sure if I want to go to her party. I'll text Ricky and see if he's going.

Nini: Hey, are you going to
Ashlyn's party tonight?

Yeah most likely. You?

Nini: I'm not sure if
I can make it... my Lola
is in town, and you know
how much she loves her
quality time with family.

Yeah got it. Hope you
can make it :)

Then the most perfect idea came into my mind! This will be a perfect time to rekindle my friendship with Ricky. I miss him, and I just want to be friends again. I will go to that party, and I'm fact, make amends with Ricky.

My Lola is visiting for thanksgiving too. We just spent the entire morning looking through old photos of her as a little girl. She told me my favourite story of when she moved here, and finding new shores. It must me nice to have that opportunity to start over. To give yourself a fresh start. I brushed off her quick pep talk, and headed to Ash's house.

I was the fourth person there. So fairly early. I wanted to come before Ricky arrived.

I was immediately bombarded by EJ with Emily on the phone. I won't lie, it was really awkward talking to her. Anyways, we had a good conversation about this acting school in Denver. Which sounded pretty cool. I was pretty distracted during our FaceTime because I was waiting for Ricky to arrive. Her words that hit me the hardest were "I'm just happy you're happy." Because I wasn't happy. I felt like I was stuck in Salt Lake. I wanted a change. I wanted a new life, like Lola was telling me about.

Argh Nini stop it! You are meant to stay in Salt Lake. Don't listen to Lola!

Once Emily hung up, I sat on the stairs for not even a second, until Ricky walked in. It's go time.

"Hey! Look who's here!" I exclaimed. Then noticed what in gods name was on his head. "Nice hat." I commented.

He chuckled before replying "thanks. It was a gift." While proceeding to take it off. "I, didn't know if you'd make it." He said, confused. Shit he wasn't expecting me.

I explained to him that my moms were watching the dog competition and how Kourtney was away. I left out the part that I wanted to get closer with him.

My dreams were crushed when I saw Gina waltz in behind him. Freaking Gina Porter. The worst part is that he said 'we' meaning that they were hanging out before.

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