Rini- 1x04... that scene :)

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Okay I'm a bum. I literally remember someone requesting this, and I was so excited because it was an amazing idea... BUT I CAN'T FIND WHO REQUESTED THIS!!! If this was you I'm SO SO SO sorry, please comment or message me and I will give you a shoutout in my next chapter! I APOLOGIZE AND I REALLY AM SO SORRY IM LITERALLY SLAPPING MY FACE RN!

Like I said in my last oneshot, this was so delayed because I didn't have Disney plus anymore. But we're all good now.

This is what would've happened if Nini didn't dodge Ricky's kiss in episode 4... and Ricky stayed the night.

So my mom just told me that Ricky is staying the night... what possibly could go wrong. I knew something was up, because I know how hard he's been trying to be on time, and have lines memorized for the musical. So when he came late, it was obvious that something was wrong. I just wish I'd went and talked to him, and seen what the problem was sooner. And now he's in my house, because he doesn't even feel safe at his own.

Yeah I'm still mad at him for what he has done, and what he hasn't done, but overall, he is my friend, and I don't want him to be hurt. He clearly was in pain. I saw it at rehearsal and I see it now. So I'm going to be the person I've always been for him, a shoulder to lay on, and a person to talk to.

As I glanced at Ricky, I could see the tears in his eyes. He clearly wasn't in a good place right now.

The second I saw him in pain, I completely forgot about our past. The break up, the 'I love you', the audition, everything. I just wanted to make my best friend feel better.

After my mom went up to bed, it was just me and him. So here goes.

She also gave me a look. It was sorta like "Nini, please talk to him. Be the bigger person, and help him out." And that exactly was my plan.

Before I could talk to him, he started the conversation first, immediately apologizing. "I probably should've called you... and asked how you felt with me being here."

I instantly stopped him and replied "it's okay. You wouldn't reached me. I turned my phone off." Purposely hinting that I broke up with EJ, and blocked his number. Ricky knew that we fought earlier today, and Ricky knows something is up if I turned my phone off. It's almost always on.

Then he sighed, and walked past me. I saw my mom peeking at the top of the stairs and gave me a motion like 'go talk to him!' So I nodded, then followed Ricky.

"So, what's going on at home?" I softly asked. "How long is your mom staying?"

He turned around at me with these big swollen looking eyes, just looking so helpless.

He sort of shook it off and mumbled a "I don't-" until I interrupted. I knew he wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Well if things ever get really intense, you can always hang here." I suggested. I still didn't know exactly what he wanted from me, so I just suggested that he always has a home here.

I'm still glad that Ricky has a place where he feels safe. Yes, as much as I did have a terrible day, it was nice to know that Ricky and I will always be there for each other.

I said that last line, in a joking matter to lighten to mood. Then Ricky killed the mood again.

He sat down on the arm on the couch then he just broke.

"I'm really scared. I'm really scared this time." He said, on the verge of tears. I have never seen him so worked up. It was making me cry.

"It feels different already." He said, voice breaking with every other word. I'm not being dramatic, but seeing Ricky sad makes me sad. It feels like someone just stabbed my heart. I can't see him like this.

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