Everyone looks like a princess - ED

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After seeing 2x03, I really wanted to make a one shot when the cast finds out about Ashlyn's eating disorder. So warning, this is about eating disorders. I won't make it too intense, but it is a one shot about eating disorders and I don't want to upset anyone. You are warned. **Also warning to my fellow emetophobes... mentions of throwing up**

If anyone is experiencing something similar, please reach out to someone. What you are doing is very dangerous to your beautiful body. I know how hard it can be to admit to needing help, but this is a very serious topic and I cannot stress enough how important it is to reach out to people. Every single person reading this is gorgeous and you are all amazing! Virtual hugs Xx



"Hey do you mind if I take a quick five?" Ashlyn asked Miss Jenn right before we were about to run through the ballroom dancing scene again.

"Everything okay honey?" Miss Jenn replied as she saw Ashlyn hold her stomach.

"Yeah of course." Ashlyn stuttered as she reached for her jacket.

"You good cuz?" EJ joined in, also not buying Ashlyn's bs.

"Yeah I said I'm fine." She said as she quickly walked out.

You could see how worried Big Red looked, while everyone exchanged confused looks to each other.

"Gina sweetie can you please check on her?" Miss Jenn said, getting a bit frustrated at this rehearsal.

I instantly nodded. "I'll be right back."

As I ran through the empty hallways, it was pretty obvious where Ashlyn would be. The bathroom.

Luckily nobody was in there except for Ashlyn. I could see her shoes from under the stall, plus it was after school so there weren't any other students in the building except for theatre kids.

"Hey Ash. Are you okay?" I sympathetically asked.

Right after I said that, I could hear the sound of gagging.

"Yeah I'm alright. Just had to use the bathroom." She quietly replied in between retches.

"Are you sure that you are feeling okay? Is it your stomach?" I asked, hoping to get a straightforward answer.

"Yes I'm fine." She replied all choppy through her coughing.

I couldn't help but think of the worst and got even more worried about her.

"Move out of the way!" I yelled as I kicked down the stall door with anxiety rising in my chest.

I was instantly shocked when I saw her fingers down her throat. Here I was thinking she was going to pass out and choke on her vomit and die, I never would've guessed this. Although it makes sense when you put all the pieces together.

I've literally been living with her for a month now. How could I have been so oblivious?

"Oh Ash. Come here." I softly spoke as I crouched down and sat down on the floor with her.

"Don't look at me. I'm disgusting." She breathed out through her tears.

"Never. Do not ever repeat that again. You are beautiful."

"No I'm not."

I gently leaned over and flushed the toilet then pulled her hair out of her face.

"Ash when did this start?" I calmly asked her.

"When I got casted as Belle." She sobbed.


"Look at me. I don't have the body type for a princess."

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