Rini- 1x06

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If only Nini told Ricky how she felt when she saw him playing the guitar with Gina. This is if Nini did talk to him, how it would've went down.
What a rough day for the drama kids. Carlos just told us the news about Miss Jenn. I just don't know what to do with my emotions. Should I be mad? At Miss Jenn? At Carlos? At Principal Gutierrez? Should I be sad? Because I won't play Gabriella? Because Ricky isn't talking to me recently? Should I be happy? No why would I be happy?

"I can't believe it." I said. Then I sat down on the piano bench beside Seb. Then everyone started arguing. Honestly I'm not even sure what about. I don't know if they were mad at Carlos, or Miss Jenn or what. But I knew things were escalating.

I just couldn't take it anymore.

"You know what? I need a minute." I said while I walked out. I needed a moment just to wrap my head around all of this.

Right after Kourt followed me out, along with most of the cast and crew. Then eventually Carlos. Everyone left except Ricky and Gina.

Honestly I didn't want Kourt or anyone following after me. I'm glad I made a statement, but I really didn't want to get a pep talk from my best friend right now. I just wanted to be alone and reflect everything.

Im not sure where everyone went when we parted. I just went into the costume closet with Kourt to talk about everything that just happened.

Then all the sudden I hear my ex call me from behind.

"Nini, can we talk?" EJ asks me.

"Uh, right now?" I responded. Like honestly EJ, not the right time.

"Yeah I'll get to why in a sec, but" He said while I kept walking away. "Miss Jenn isn't the only person with secrets." He said. I stopped.

Kourt and Ashlyn just left me. They left me alone with EJ. Yeah I was a bit pissed off. Everything was going the wrong way. I just wanted to find Ricky to talk to him. I feel like he's the only person who will understand me and listen to me.

After EJ came clean, with all of his secrets I was speechless. He just spilled out everything that he has been keeping in since September. He mentioned auditions, and our breakup, and when he stole my phone. He told me all of it. But one thing stuck out. It's when he said "it's over Nini. The show....... I'm sorry you won't play Gabriella." My heart sank.

Right before he left he went "I also wrote you a really weird song once." I couldn't help but laugh to myself. EJ may be an asshole at times, but he does have a good sense of humour.

As soon as EJ leaves, I heard Ricky singing 'when there was me and you' acoustic version like he recommended at rehearsal a few minutes ago. He brought it up after the whole 'forest of boys' incident and everyone completely shut down his idea. Once I heard him singing it, he sounded really good. I was going to go find him and listen to him sing, then apologize for all of the musical drama.

When we were together, I always sang for him with my ukulele, and he just sat and listened. But at that audition he sang, and he sang well. He did deserve Troy, even if it's his first time acting. I'm falling for Ricky again.

He's in our prop room, with his cute little guitar singing this amazing song. I pop into the doorway and just enjoy the moment. I enjoy Ricky looking happy, I enjoy his smile, like the one he had when we were dating. I soak in what I'm seeing.

Just as I start walking in, I see Gina. Yes Gina. He is singing to Gina. Why am I jealous? Upset? You guys aren't together Nini. But I don't know, I don't really trust Gina. Something is up with that girl. But I am upset.

After I see the smile on Ginas face with her eyes beaming down on Ricky, I couldn't take it. I just turned the other way and walked out. I was finally about to talk to Ricky, and make things right, but Gina had to be there and ruin it all.

After our rehearsal when we all found out about Miss Jenn, everyone in cast and crew just needed some time to recollect themselves. But I was really hoping that Gabriella would sing an acoustic version of 'when there was me and you' because I know Nini would sound so good singing it. I specifically suggested it so Nini would sing it. And I know it's her favourite song of all time.

Nini stormed out of rehearsal when she heard the news about Miss Jenn. I wanted to find her, but Gina said she wanted to hear my song. Of course I said yes! Any chance to play my guitar, is one I'm willing to take. So Gina and I went into the prop room and I played her my song, meant for Nini. But I don't think Gina knew that.

While I was singing, I heard footsteps in the doorframe behind me then Gina glared at the door when the footsteps left. I couldn't help but notice, then I soon realized that it was Nini who was watching us. Was she going to come to talk to me? Oh shit. She must've came to talk to me and saw me with Gina. Shit. This isn't looking good for us. I gotta find Nini.

"Nini wait up!!!!" I called out to her. She seemed a little pissed. Was it something I did? Oh I hope she doesn't hate me.

"Nini! Seriously, come on! Wait up!" I yelled again. This time she actually stopped and turned around. "Hey what's going on?" I asked her with a somewhat calm tone, but also a little worried, and a little bit irritated.

"Nothing leave me alone." She mumbles. Ok yep. Definitely pissed off.

"What did I do this time?" I asked her. Still pretty irritated because she won't tell me what's going on.

"Fine you wanna know?!" She declared. "I'll tell you!"

You know, I don't know how much I fancy Nini 2.0 to be honest.

"Why did you do all of this? The audition, then you come to my house expecting me to just be okay with everything? And then I finally start liking you again, and you just make things worse by singing to Gina??!! Like you barely know Gina and now you guys are acting like best friends. We were best friends. We were boyfriend and girlfriend. And you are trying to mess things up again. Right when I was finally ready for you again." She ranted. Holy shit. Nini Salazar-Roberts likes me?
Authors note: It's a long chapter and I didn't want to rush the end so I decided to split it up into two parts. Hope you guys enjoyed the first part. The second will have some cute Rini fluff. Happy reading everyone

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