Third time's a charm - Rini

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Yes yes don't lose your shit but here I am again!!! Haven't disappeared yet :)

This isn't a request but it was inspired by some comments from the last update- since we KNOW rini is endgame, here is a continuation of that.

So this is kinda a part 2 ish from the rini goodbye. They aren't really connected but kinda- you can read them back to back or just this one. Let's just say Nini and Ricky promised to keep in touch when she went to California but haven't been doing a good job. This is when they see each other for the first time in 2 years.

Also this chapter ships Miss Jenn with Mike... Mazzara doesn't exist here oops

I said what I said.

Enjoy :)

Ricky POV

"Okay I think everything is finally under control." My dad huffed as he threw himself onto our leather couch.

I was already sitting down watching a movie when he joined me. "Everything will go smoothly Dad. Ashlyn is the best party planner in town. Your wedding next weekend will be perfect."

He smiled. One of those pure dad smiles when they believe you. "If you say so Rick."

"Plus I know Miss Jenn, she's the queen of trusting the process and turning a bad situation good. If anything goes wrong, that bride will have a hundred different backup plans." I jokingly assured him.

He nodded and faced to watch the movie. "When are Carol and Dana coming?" I asked.

Since my dad is marrying Miss Jenn, my old theatre teacher, a whole bunch of my old theatre friends are coming to New York to celebrate the occasion. My old best friend Nini was supposed to come, but couldn't make it because of an important interview that she couldn't miss, now that she's a big music sensation.

To be honest, I don't care if Nini comes or not. We haven't really spoken in a full year and even before that our conversations were super dry. She promised we wouldn't change when she moved, but we did. For the worse.

She hasn't even been to my house in New York and I've been living here with my dad and Miss Jenn for over 2 years now. That fact alone proves how long it's been. But my dad still keeps in touch with her moms and they are staying at our place for the wedding. He talks with them almost every week and they have even gone on a few trips together since Nini and I lost contact.

My dad looked at his watch. "Actually their plane lands in about 20 minutes so I should head over shortly. Can you take the bedding out of the dryer and make up the spare bed for them? Then get started on dinner?"

I nodded and turned off the tv. "On it!" I said then strutted towards the laundry room. I made a pact with myself this week to be as helpful and easy going as possible. I didn't want to be another stressor for my dad and Miss Jenn in this already stressful and busy week.


I was happily dancing around my kitchen making the best salmon fillets until the door swung open and I saw my dad walk in a huff with a suitcase in his hand, in quite the rush for someone just casually coming back from an airport pickup.

Before I could even greet him and offer to take the suitcase, he immediately stopped me.

"Nini is here!" He whisper yelled. "Apparently she got out of her interview. This is your heads up!"

Before I could even process what he actually said, Nini walked through my front door followed by Carol and Dana.

Nini is here. My childhood best friend. My first crush. My first girlfriend. My true love. (AN// dramatic king)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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