Reuniting Rini Part 2

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Again, This takes post episode 10 and Nini decided to attend YAC. And let's pretend Nini's moms live in Denver too, because Nini stays at Ricky's. So her moms aren't in this, pretend they are living in Denver.

I have an important message at the end of the story, so please check that out when you are finished reading this.
Ok so now Ashlyn is here and Big Red says he's going home with her. So he's ditching me all of the sudden? I'm so confused. This whole day was a fail. The only good part was the muffins this morning.

But then after Ashlyn arrived and told me how she is taking Big Red home, they both motioned for me to turn around.

I did.

And I saw the most beautiful girl in the entire world. I saw Nini.

I immediately pulled her into the biggest hug in the entire world and I started crying.

My girlfriend is here. She's back. She's really here. I can't stop crying.

"Hi baby." She said while using one hand to play with my curls and the other was rubbing my back.

At this point, I was ugly crying. I just missed her so much. Seeing her made me realize how much I needed her. How important she is in my life.

We hugged for a good few minutes and didn't move. Big Red and Ashlyn patiently stood beside us with big smiles on their faces.

Then I wiggled out of our hug. Still with tears of happiness in my eyes, I asked Nini "H-how did you get here? When did you get here? Why aren't you at school?"

She rubbed my back some more then replied "it was all our friends idea. They planned the entire thing 4 weeks ago. It was hard not telling you on facetime the last weeks."

I was shocked "4 weeks! Holy shit. Nice job Big Red. I didn't know you had it in you." I said while turning to him.

"Yeah it was difficult. But Ashlyn kept me sane." He said with a laugh. Ashlyn laughed along too.

Then Big Red spoke up again "well uh Ricky, that's why Ash drove separately. The two of us are going to drive home now, and then the two of you can drive in Ricky's car, and catch up for the rest of the afternoon. But everyone is dying to see Nini so if you don't mind, we are going to meet up at Nando's at 7pm tonight."

Nini gave me a kiss and said to Big Red "that's a good idea. See you there! Bye!"

They both said 'goodbye' in unison and walked away. After the got into the car I picked Nini up, spun her around, and said "now it's just you and me baby!" She giggled and I piggybacked her to my car, with her suitcase in my hand.

This is going to be a fun afternoon after all.
Seeing Ricky was by far the best moment in my life. Seeing his face light up and his instant change of expression just made my week.

Big Red told me that Ricky was seeming pretty down and sad recently, but I think when he saw me his instantly got happier.

I heard that he wasn't doing well at home, but I didn't know he was doing this poorly at home. I couldn't do anything except hold him close and reassure him that's he's okay and I'm here now.

He was crying when I pulled him into a tight hug, which made me start to cry too. I have seen him cry, but nothing like this.

He was hysterically sobbing. He must've really missed me and needed me.

So this entire week, is going to be Nini and Ricky time. He clearly needs it.

He piggybacked me into the car and then we drove off.

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