Sicky Ricky

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This was requested by @samantha16kaplan !!! Thank you so much! I love everyone's requests!

This is going to take place during rehearsals for High School Musical: The Musical. So Ricky and Nini are in a big of a rough patch, but the still want to be there for each other. Plus Nini and EJ just broke up.
Happy reading!!! :)
7:30am. Friday morning. My alarm woke me up. Just as it always does Monday through Friday. But today was different. I didn't want to get out of bed. I just was feeling gross. My whole body was aching, and I had this sharp pain in the front of my head. Plus I was exhausted. I shouldn't be tired. I got a full 9 hours of sleep last night. That is pretty good considering how I usually only get 6 hours of sleep. I went to bed early last night because I wasn't feeling good, so I thought I could sleep it off. Boy was I wrong. I feel even worse.

Especially because we are only a few weeks until opening night, I can't afford to miss rehearsal. Next Wednesday we have a photo shoot for the program... and well I'm not excited because I need to wear my wig that I have been dreading. But anyways, missing rehearsal would be the worst thing. I can't miss it. It's not fair to Miss Jenn, my cast and crew, and especially Nini. If I dip then she will expect it from me because apparently I'm 'not committed' to this thing. But I really am. Plus Nini and I were on good terms now, and I can't let her down again. Especially since her breakup with EJ last week.

So unfortunately, I gotta suck it up and make it through this rehearsal. Thank god it's Friday, so I can rest this weekend.

I groaned quite loudly as I made my way out of bed. I trudged into the bathroom to brush my teeth and splash cold water on my face, because I was feeling a bit warm.

I shocked myself when I looked in the mirror and saw this pale being in the reflection. I was too tired to shower this morning, so I just took an extra 15 minutes of sleep. Once my alarm blared again, I jumped up and ran out the door, grabbing a protein bar on my way out.

I quietly slipped out, because my dad was sleeping, and started my car. The drive to school was hell. I found it hard for my arms and legs to keep up with with rest of me, and my headache was getting worse by the minute.

Finally after arriving at school with 5 minutes to spare, I went to my locker, grabbed my books and binders, then started walking to class. I'm kinda relieved I didn't run into any of my friends, because I wasn't up for explaining to them why I'm at school, while feeling and looking, so shitty. Also thank god I didn't have first and second period with any of my good friends, because nobody else would've cared about my health.

I just laid low for the morning and tried to do as minimal work as possible. Then lunch rolled around. I knew my friends would confront me sooner or later, at my current condition, because no way I could convince them that I was fine. I couldn't even convince myself I was fine. I clearly wasn't.

I slowly walked into the cafeteria and found my theatre squad, then sat down. Immediately I had eyes on me from Nini. Everyone was too invested in their food, and something funny that happened in period 2 with Mr. Macdonald. Ashlyn, Big Red, Gina, Carlos, and Seb all have the same computer science class. It's open for all grades, and they were all lucky to be in it together. So they were all busy talking together.

But Nini wasn't talking about it. Or laughing about it. She was dead serious with her eyes darted at me.
I'm not dumb. Ricky is sick. He was sort of just playing with his food and I didn't even see him take a bite. Plus he was looking a little pale.

I had to speak up... "hey Ricky." I softly spoke. "Everything alright?" Nobody else even noticed.

"Um Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He asked me, with furrowed eyebrows.

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