XXXIX. Solo mission > Common sense

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"We shouldn't be here," Carter gritted her teeth together, feeding Jasper the line he needed to attached the mines she planted earlier, together. "We should be out there looking for them."

"You heard Bellamy," Jasper sighed in annoyance towards their leader, he glanced up at Carter before looking back down at his hands. "We need to get these ready and active before we look for them." A silence ensued between the two friends, both far from happy with the leader's choice to go back to camp. It took a lot of conviction to get the blonde to come back, she was dead set on finding her friends-- on finding Finn-- but she eventually succumbed to the peer-pressure of Octavia. The younger Blake reasoned with Carter, she told her how they wouldn't be helping anyone if they continued searching with a scarce amount of people. Looking for a needle in a haystack, that was Octavia's specific words. Bellamy made a loose assurance that they'd get more people from camp and search the woods when they weren't so vulnerable and stupidly, Carter bought it.

Her hands worked at a fast and skillful pace, connecting each land mine to each other with the trigger wire. She hoped the Grounder's were stupid enough to trip on it and set off the explosives, but she wasn't holding her breath.

"Hey, when Monty was..." Jasper trailed off, shuddering slightly. "There was no, uh, blood or anything was there?"

Carter shook her head in response, not looking up from her handiwork. "No, nothing but the radio-- which, personally I think is weird," She finally looked up at him. "The Grounders are smart, they're more advanced when it comes to the woods then we will ever be which is why I don't understand why they didn't get me. It wasn't like I was far, or being particularly quiet for that matter. I don't get it."

"Maybe he ran from them?" Jasper offered, his tone hopeful and Carter didn't have the heart to voice her skepticism on that theory so instead she offered him a meek smile, one that was far from convincing. Jasper nodded his head, seeming to understand the chances of that happening not being in his favor. He knew first hand at how savage the Grounder's were, but he couldn't stop himself hoping that Monty didn't serve the same fate he did all that time ago.

"How's it going over here?" Carter's posture stiffened unintentionally and she peered up through her eyelashes to see the looming figure of Bellamy standing a few feet away, his arms across his chest in an authoritative manner. A long silence passed and Carter looked back down at her work, deciding to let Jasper answer Bellamy's question.

"We're doing good." Jasper nodded, his tone was cold and clipped, but only just noticeable if you listen carefully enough, like Carter was. Jasper was just as pissed as she was when they found out they had to set up the land mines before they could send out a search party.

"You sure these land mines will work? We can't afford to waste the gun powder." Bellamy raised an eyebrow. Carter stopped in her tracks for just a second and looked up at him with inquisitive eyes.

"You can be our test dummy if you want."

Bellamy opened his mouth, ready to respond to her bitter comment but then Jasper intervened, not in the mood for any kind of bickering. "They'll work, trust me."

"Good. After you've done this you can do the same on the south side of the wall." Bellamy instructed and just before he could take off, Carter jumped to her feet with a mixture between anger and confusion in her eyes. It was dark, but Bellamy couldn't mistake that look even if he tried.

"You're kidding, right?" She laughed bitterly, both her voice and her expression portrayed anything but humor. "Please tell me you're joking. Please tell me that I didn't drag my ass back to camp thinking you're gonna let us look for our friend's when really, that wasn't your plan." He looked away from her, finding no conceivable way to answer her question. She pursed her lips and shook her head, scoffing as she did. "You really are an asshole, aren't you? All this time I thought you just had the wrong idea, that it was actually possible for you to care about someone other than yourself and I was wrong. Seems to be becoming a habit of mine."

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