XXVII. Lucked out.

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I will apologise in advance for the way I ended this chapter. I would have continued writing so you wouldn't be left hangin' like that, but I had already gone well over 4000 words on this already so again, I'm sorreh!

And as always, Thank you for reading!

Edit: I have finally gotten around to proof-reading this and I will just say, to whoever actually read the unedited version, I give you permission to virtually punch me. Oh my god, the mistakes I made actually made me facepalm of several occasions. But all is good now, all is sorted, thank the Lord! If you didn't read the unedited version, then consider yourself lucky. Okay, I'm done.

Bold= Swedish.


"I think we're lost."

"We are not lost," Bellamy denied, sending Carter a pointed look. "Some of us know how to read a map."

"One time. It was one time!" She protested with a scowl. "And it's not like they taught us how to read maps on the Ark." There was brief pause before Carter began to gnaw gently on her lip, glancing around the scenery with a calculated stare. "I swear we've walked past these trees before."

"Do you know what? Fine, I'll check the damn map." Bellamy sighed, coming to a slow stop and shrugging off his pack begrudgingly. Carter bit back the urge to smirk and instead, decided to look for a thick enough branch that would support her weight. They had been walking for hours, and the familiar burning ache had returned to the scar on her foot. It was bearable for her at first, but it slowly began to worsen the longer they hiked. After a few moments of the pair focusing on their own jobs, Bellamy spoke up. "It says that this depot isn't far from here, not more than half an hour... What are you doing?"

Carter straightened herself quickly upon hearing Bellamy's question, a long, thick branch in hand, and shrugged. "My foot's hurting," No other explanation was needed and Bellamy glanced down at the foot she managed to impale all the time ago with a knowing expression. Carter sighed, suddenly feeling more than incompetent for not being able to walk with an aid. Sticking the stick under her arm in the use of a crutch, she made her way over to Bellamy's side. "Anyway, what were you saying?"

He held out the map closer to her so she could see it. "We're here," He pointed to their destination on the map and Carter nodded, his index finger then travelled up a few inches on the map. "Clarke said the depot was here. If we carry on going at the pace we're going at then we should be there within the hour." He paused, glancing down at the jagged branch under Carter's arm. "But we're probably gonna need to slow down a little-"

"-It's fine." Carter interjected firmly. "I can walk at the same pace with or without the stick."

"Carter, you'll just end up hurting your foot even more," Bellamy pointed out. "We can slow down, we've still got a few hours left of daylight anyway." Carter opened her you mouth to protest and say that they didn't need to slow down, that she could manage just fine, but her better judgment told her not to. Not only did she know walking at a quicker pace would only cause more implications, but she didn't want to get into another argument (If it could even be classed as an argument, more like ignoring each other until the other one gives in,) with Bellamy.

So, with much reluctance, she nodded and they continued on their path towards the bunker. With every step, the branch rubbed uncomfortably against Carter's arm, even with the thick jacket on and with every other step she found herself hiking her pack further up her shoulder as it slipped due to her new limp. After a minutes she almost growled in frustration and came to an abrupt stop, chucking her makeshift crutch to the floor childishly. The loud, thumping noise of the branch colliding with the ground caught Bellamy's attention and he turned his head to see Carter with her arms folded across her chest and scowling deeply at the piece of tree that lay discarded on the floor.

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