TWO| Earth sweet Earth.

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Bold writing= speaking Swedish.


Councilman Marcus Kane was walking briskly and purposefully through the halls, his eyes were narrowed as he delved deep into his thoughts. He had recently been informed of the attempted assassination of Chancellor Jaha and told that, to avoid panic, to keep it on the down-low.

"Councillor Kane!" A sudden voice hollered. Kane turned his head and resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"What is it, Shumway? Can't you see I'm busy? There was an attempted assassination, I don't want a potential killer running around the Ark." Commander Shumway already knew of the shooting, he was the one that told Kane, but the Councillor still spoke through gritted teeth.

Shumway fell in step with Kane and began to stammer over his words. "Uh, it's concerning your daughter, Sir."

Kane froze on the spot and looked at Shumway with an expression that told him to step carefully. His daughter was the only soft spot he harboured and she meant more to him than life itself. Not to mention she was her only family (well, aside from his mother.) Shumway was more than aware of that."What about her?"

"Well, I was in the, uh, control room looking at the vitals of all the juveniles on the ground when, uh, Carter's face was there, sir. She was on the board."

The color drained from Kane's face. "She's on Earth." He concluded shakily. One of the only people he cared about was stood on a toxic wasteland with a hundred criminals.


"Lighten up, Bambi, it might just start to rain."

Carter glanced up from the mass of fried wires and smoke to see Finn looking down at her playfully, his long brown locks threatening to invade his eyesight. She gave him a small smirk. "You need a haircut. From behind I would probably mistake you for a girl."

"Jeez, Bambi has a stick up her ass," Finn muttered lightly to himself. It took a lot of effort for Carter to keep a straight face, whenever he called her 'Bambi' she always felt a smile creeping up on her. That had been his nickname for her for years, since they first became friends. It was all because Carter lost her balance when running through one of the many Ark halls and fell right in front of his room. She didn't know who Bambi was at first, and then he showed her the old fashioned cartoon movie.

Ever since, they've been side-by-side and close as they could be without it being weird. Well, until Finn got arrested.

For being an idiot.

Carter dropped the bundle of wires in her hand and stood up, dusting herself from invisible lint. "Our communication system's fried. They can't contact us, we can't contact them."

Finn quirked an eyebrow. "Is that such a bad thing?"

Her immediate answer was supposed to be yes, but she hesitated and that gave Finn all the answer he needed. He nodded his head smugly and walked to the other side of the Drop ship, his hands clasped behind his back. Was it a bad thing? Carter near hated her father for initiating her mother's execution. She even wished that she could be as far away from him as possible. Being on Earth granted that wish. But, as much as she would hate to admit, she still loved her dad and would never wish death upon him which is exactly why Shumway's threat worked-- although, that didn't stop her resenting him for putting his family second and work first.

Maybe it wasn't a bad thing? She didn't know.

"Hey," another voice broke the sudden intensity of the silence, both Finn and Carter turned around to see Wells Jaha poking his head up the side of the ladder. So the Chancellor did allow his son to go to Earth to die... ouch. An unsettled guilt swirled around in Carter's stomach and she shamefully looked away. His father was dead and Wells didn't have a clue, Carter tried to swallow the bile in her throat. A large, overbearing part of her wanted to tell him, but she couldn't. Not if she valued the life of her father. Sure, she had no way of knowing if Shumway would truly find out if she told anyone, but she wasn't ready to take that bet. "Is everything okay up here?"

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