THREE| smile, the worst is yet to come

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I've added a picture of Carter around here somewhere... in case you aren't aware of who it is, it's Teresa Palmer :)

You may continue reading now :D

Bold writing= Speaking Swedish.


Despite his cool demeanour he was trying not to lose his temper.

His little girl was on the ground and there was nothing he could do. Kane felt a lot of emotions all at once and struggled to keep them at bay. The biggest one was guilt, it turned in his stomach like an illness. He never told his daughter how much she really meant to him. He was never there when she was growing up. He was always too hard on her, and it was only when he saw her image on the multiple screens with the Hundred, he realized that.

Her picture stared at him blankly. She looked exactly like her mother, fair skinned with a faint dusting of freckles on her nose, cheeks that always seemed to be blushing, pastel green eyes and dark blonde hair always worn in an semi-elegant braid that came half way down her ribs.

He was always protecting her, even when she didn't know it, even if she didn't think it. There was a reason he didn't tell her why her mother was floated, it was to keep her image of her mom untainted. Kane had no intentions of destroying that, even if it did mean Carter hated him for it.

He had just heard from Abby about the two boys that died on impact and the red around their vitals meant they were either hurt or excited. He didn't know whether to feel relieved or edgy when Carter didn't have the red around her.

"Kane," Abby hollered. He looked over to her and she pulled him to the side, away from unwanted ears. "How is Carter there? I only saw her a few hours before the ship was launched."

"I don't know," Kane replied gravely. " But the best thing I can do for her is find out."

"Ow! Dammit!" Carter hissed jumping back from the naked wire that electrocuted her. Her body still ached from her friendly encounter with Shumway. It didn't need another shock. With balled fists, she glared at the open wires with a new found hatred.

She couldn't sort them without the right equipment, especially since she had no idea where the missing panels got to-- although she figured some of them would have disintegrated due to the heat of their rough landing.

She wasn't ready to give up just yet. She needed to find a way to get in touch with her dad-- she had to warn him about Shumway. Carter stood to her feet and looked down at the Hundred. Some were still goofing around but others had already began to set up sleeping arrangements. She began a slow, tired descent down the ladder and walked towards the one person she wouldn't mind talking to.

Wells Jaha.

Guilt formed in the back of her throat again and she swallowed it. She shouldn't be feeling guilty, she wasn't the one that killed Chancellor Jaha and just because she knew didn't mean so was responsible. But if I ran faster I could have prevented it, she shook the thought from her head and focused on anything but the assassination of Wells' dad.

"Hey," Carter greeted, shoving her hands in the back pockets of her dark skinny jeans. Wells looked up and gave her a small smile. "You okay?"

"Yeah," He sighed, looking towards the ground. Carter wasn't convinced. "I'm just a little tired, I went to go find some water."

"Did you find any?"

"No." Wells shook his head softly. "Any luck with the roof?"

Carter bit back the urge to scoff. She sat down next to him, staring aimlessly at the green ferns in front of her. "Nada. I just keep getting shocked, there's not much I can do without the tools."

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now