XXV. Reasons revealed

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Bold= Swedish.


Four days.

In just four days the camp was back to the way it was, if not better. The storm had made the Hundred more alert of Earth's bitter ways and instead of dwelling on the damage it caused, they learned from it. Tents were made more secure and the wall had been knocked further into the ground to stop it from falling down again.

They still had their guest chained in the top level of the Drop ship, which set people on edge, but double guard watch had been initiated so there was more chance to see if there was any Grounder activity outside the wall-- thankfully, there wasn't-- and there was now a small group of people that did a patrol around the perimeter, just in case. Though, even with the extra precautions, the Hundred still felt uneasy, and even with Bellamy's constant assurance that no one saw them bring the Grounder into camp, courtesy of the storm.

The radio had also been upgraded too, so the Hundred could now see their loved ones through one of the TV's and they could also talk, which came as a huge relief to most of the teens, especially the home-sick ones. And though Carter and Raven helped, it was mainly Monty who had managed to do that. Carter still didn't exactly know how.

But amongst all the good news around camp, Finn being alive and conscious was the greatest news to Carter. Her best friend was back. After the first day of his consciousness, Clarke decided it was best to put Finn in his tent which gave him more privacy and the only time Clarke went to see him was when she needed to redress his wound. Raven had barely left his side since he opened his eyes and the three of them had spent a hell of a lot more time with each other than before, though Carter often made abrupt exits when things got a little... intimate. Even so, she was beyond happy that the three of them were back together, properly.

Almost everything started looking up for the camp and Carter felt her hope creeping back, though not everything was looking up for her. Since their 'dispute', Bellamy had gone to extreme measures to outright ignore Carter, which only frustrated her further. There was so much she wanted to ask him, but never had the chance. She didn't expect Bellamy's sudden silent treatment towards her would affect her as much as it did. But then she also didn't realize she relied on Bellamy as much as she did. She found it almost comical about how much she could relate to him, but it wasn't just that. He was also the only one who knew exactly what she was going through and who was the one putting her through it. That was more than anyone else knew. Even her father.

And as for Kane, everytime she tried to talk to him, he was either 'busy' or 'not around'. And there was no way she was telling anyone else about what she had to warn him, she didn't want to take the risk. All she wanted to do was warn him about Shumway and he couldn't even be bothered to talk to her. His own daughter. Little did Carter know that it was because he was scared. Scared of what he was going to say to her and how she would react.

"I'm bored." Carter sighed loudly, shaking away her thoughts and bringing herself back to reality. Reality was in a small tent, crouched beside Finn who lazily had his arms behind his head, the air that surrounded them was one of boredom boredom.

"You're always bored, Bambi," Finn pointed out with a cocked brow. "You know you don't have to stay in here with me."

"Yes I do," She countered without missing a beat. "Raven has given me strict orders to keep an eye on you whilst she does whatever it is she does."

"I am capable to look after myself." Finn sighed, shuffling slightly but careful not to disturb his wound.

"Really? Because that giant hole in your chest says otherwise." Carter deadpanned.

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now