XII. Grim discovery.

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Be warned, this chapter isn't my best.

Bold= Swedish.


A week had passed since the camp found Wells Jaha's body just outside the camp wall. A single stab wound to his jugular. Truth be known, the only person who truly grieved the Chancellors son's death was Clarke. Carter was slightly disheartened by his brutal departure, but she didn't know him to the extent that Clarke did. The rest of the camp was indifferent, most were just preparing themselves for the deaths that were bound to come. Wells' murder did bring the majority of the Hundred back to reality and the dangers it harboured, though. Within a week, there was tents, cleansing filters for water and various other things to make their life a little easier as well as a high, thick wall that surrounded camp made of scrap material and wood. Weapons were also made. A lot of weapons.

Carter's foot was well on the way to recovery, she still favoured her right foot instead of the injured one but she no longer needed the crutches and could almost climb a ladder without too much pain. She spent most of her time with either Finn or Charlotte. But she sometimes helped Monty out with the mechanical/engineering side of things and now that Jasper was almost back to normal, she had gotten to know him... now that he wasn't screaming with agony.

"Carter!" A distant voice hollered from outside the tent she shared with Finn. With a discontented huff, Carter rolled off her makeshift cot and trudged out of her little comfort zone. The second she pulled back the entrance flap, she had to resist the urge to hiss at the brightness of the sun. Her eyes soon met familiar brown ones and she scowled.

"Can I not, for one freaking morning, have some me-time?" She muttered more to herself than to anyone else. All she did was fix things or help make tools, she even tried to work on the panels again after Monty told her it was a hopeless case. She hardly had a moment where she could just think, and when she does get that moment, someone wants her help. Carter tiredly stumbled her way to her best friend and sent him a pointed look. "You summoned me?"

"In the mornings, you really shine to your nickname, Bambi." Finn emitted a breathy chuckle.

"I hate you." Carter's voice was hoarse and croaky from the lack of use over the night and early hours of sunrise. She let out a throaty cough before speaking again, her voice clearer. "What do you want?"

"Uh, I was just gonna ask if you knew where Clarke was?" Finn scratched the back of his head sheepishly and Carter's eyes turned into slits of suspicion.

"Finn-- for the love of my sanity-- please, please tell me you don't like her like that," Carter spoke in a hushed tone, her fingers wrapped around his bicep as she pulled him closer, minimizing the chances of someone hearing. "You know you can't right? Need I remind you of your insanely loyal girlfriend on the Ark."

"Okay," Finn chuckled dryly, shaking Carter off his arm. "One, me and Clarke are just friends, okay? I would never do that to Raven... and two, do you really think the Ark is gonna come down here? I mean, seriously?"

"You don't?"

"Carter, we've got no communication system with them, most of the Hundred have taken off their wristbands, the Ark has every reason to think we're dying... why would they risk coming down here when their only source of information is dying?"

"We are not having this conversation, Finn. I refuse." Carter snapped. She was not going to be force fed his pessimism. She looked down and something attached to his wrist caught her attention. She grabbed his forearm and showed him the metal wristband. "You're still wearing this. Why? Why wear it if you think there's no way the Ark won't come down?" Finn pursed his lips, unable to answer her question. "Ha! Exactly, you don't even believe your own bullshit, you still have hope they're gonna come down, don't you?"

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