XIII. Jumping to the wrong conclusion.

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Hi. I don't usually do this unless I feel the need to explain something. But it's came to my attention that people are actually consistently reading this. (Well, that's what my phone is telling me, anyway. I could be wrong...)

And I thank every single one of you. I don't expect comments, votes or anything like that... I'm a silent reader myself :3 so it would be hypocritical for me to ask those things of you. So thank you just for reading!

Anyways, there is a spin-off story to this written by TeaganWinchester (I would dedicate this chapter to you, but I'm on my phone and my laptop is no longer with us D:)  and she writes about her OC, Kara (who actually doesn't make an appearance in this book until chapter 18 :/)  It's called 'Forsaken'. The first part is up and it's really good, so if you like this, give her book a go :) It will be following this story-line for the most part and Kara is one hell of a character!

Okay, I'm done. Happy reading!

Bold= Swedish (though you probably know that)


He knew people thought he was a heartless, callous, pathetic excuse for a man because he refused to show emotion or even talk about his daughter's disappearance...

...But they never saw him behind closed doors. Kane paced vigorously in his room, his hands running madly through his hair. He missed Carter like hell. Even her need to fight with him about everything. His world seemed empty without her. Meaningless.

His eyes caught the silver glimpse of a photo frame that sat on the dusty desk tucked in the corner of the room. His departed wife's desk. Tentatively, he walked up to it and held the frame gently in his right hand, wiping away the thick layer of dust with his left. A sad smile stretched across his lips as he examined the photo that stared back at him.

It was of him, Mia and Carter. The picture was taken a year before Mia was floated. Carter was just fifteen. She sat in the middle of the picture, a big grin on her face and her eyes scrunched up as both of her parents kissed her cheeks. Kane was on one side, Mia was on the other. Both were smiling while kissing Carter's cheeks. There was so much love put into one picture, it made Kane's heart pump faster just as the sight of it.

"Mom! Dad!" He remembered Carter running into the room, her friends Raven and Finn hot on her tail. "Look what Grandpa gave me!" She held an old digital camera in her hands. It was outdated but it held sentimental value to Mia's family. He remembered how she shoved the camera into Raven's hands and instructed her to take a picture of them. It was such a spontaneous moment but it proved that the love and care in that photo was genuine.

Kane's smile faltered. He loved his family so much that he floated his wife and allowed his daughter to sneak into the drop ship. He could have done more. He could have kept harder eye on her, made sure she was always safe. Anger flushed through his veins and before he could stop himself, he launched the photo frame across the room. It smacked roughly against the wall and smashed on impact, shards clattered on the floor.

"No," Kane whispered as he fell to his knees, brushing the glass to one side without a care. Unshed tears welled in his eyes as he shakily lifted the picture. There was no scratches or marks on it and he sighed in relief. With trembling lips he looked up to the ceiling and clutched the photo to his chest. "I'm so sorry."

This was how Kane really felt. This is how he wanted to act regardless to where he was. But he couldn't. He couldn't let his own grief change the destiny of those who were on the Ark still. With a deep breath he wiped at his eyes, and carefully folded the picture of his family before tucking it in his pocket.

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