XXX. Embracing the inner-Swedish.

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Bold= Swedish, as always :)


"I need a wrench."

Usually, Finn Collins was woken by subtle movements of his girlfriend getting ready in the mornings, or by the gentle murmur of the Hundred as they all stirred outside. Though on that particular morning, he was woken by the rushed voice of his best friend as she darted into his tent, uninvited, loudly claiming that she needed a wrench. He was planning on pretending to be asleep so she would leave him half-undisturbed and he could go back to sleep. But then he felt a harsh shove of a boot in his back and came to the conclusion that Carter wasn't going to leave him alone until she knew where the tool she was looking for was.

So, reluctantly, he slowly rolled over to look up at his best friend, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He could only just see her face through the darkness. It wasn't even dawn yet, and she was waking him up.

When Carter noticed she had his attention, she repeated, "Oh good, you're awake. I need a wrench."

"Do I look like I'm the keeper of wrenches to you?" Finn quirked a tired eyebrow. "Why do you want a wrench?"

"I'm bored and I wanna make something that requires a few bolts from the Drop ship Thus needing a wrench to loosen the bolts." She explained with a sigh, before quickly waving him off. "Don't worry about it, I'll find something else to do."

"Good, now can I go back to sleep like a normal person?" Finn asked, his voice croaky from not using it in a long time. The atmosphere between the two of them had became a lot clearer and lighter after Carter could finally tell him about Shumway and the threat he used over her. Finn was disheartened that she couldn't come to him at first and that Bellamy knew before himself, but after a few moments of sulking like a two-year-old he understood why Bellamy knew and why Carter didn't say anything. Now that there was nothing kept back between them (except minor things like how Dax shot Carter and then Bellamy killed Dax and how Finn's feelings for Clarke wouldn't stop growing.)

"Whatever, jackass." Carter murmured with dissatisfied sigh, leaving the tent and making her way towards the campfire. If she couldn't make anything, she could at least stare at the flames until everyone else was up. Her sleep pattern was beyond screwed and she found herself going to sleep an hour or so after everyone else and then waking up just before dawn. There was  even a few times during the day that Finn had caught her napping. She didn't even know how she was going off only a few hours sleep, but she preferred it. She felt more alert.

"Happy Unity Day!" A sudden voice cheered from behind her, startling her out of her thoughts. She whipped her head around to see the familiar figure of Steven, holding a gun firmly to his chest. Steven often accompanied Carter in the mornings with his mindless chatter since he was the only one up that wasn't on watch. His shift usually ended as Carter stumbled out of her tent.

"Dammit, are you never not happy in the mornings?" Carter winced at.the loudness of his voice. Steven chuckled and sat down next to her, placing his gun delicately on the ground.

"So, you'll never guess who was born on Unity Day, sixteen years ago..." Steven grinned happily.

"I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say you?" Carter quirked an eyebrow to which Steven rapidly shook his head to. "Happy birthday, little man."


"Happy birthday." Carter translated with an eye roll. Steven smiled his thanks and picked his gun back up with the intention to fiddle with it, but as he brought it up it smacked Carter in the side of the face, almost knocking her off the log. "Jesus Steven! Watch what you're doing with that thing, you could take a damn eye out." She grumbled, rubbing at her temple where the butt of the gun had hit.

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