XX. The art of losing an Octavia.

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Bold= Swedish.


"Oh shit!" Carter hissed as she lost her footing, again. She stumbled but managed to regain her balance without dropping any of her belongings that were piled in her arms. She almost found it comical on how much stuff she had, considering she came down with nothing but the clothes on her back.

Now, she had all kinds of odd stuff. Mainly tools. And it obstructed her vision as she walked, which ultimately meant she couldn't see an upcoming root or object to trip on.

Once they had launched the rockets and there was nothing else left to do, Carter and Raven headed to the drop ship where the radio was left to dry. Carter managed to make a rack made out of scrap metal for the radio. It was perched just above hot coals so the heat from them could dry the radio faster, though she made sure it wasn't too low and the heat didn't fry the components.

They soon found out what was broken and it wasn't good news. Out of all the things to break from water damage, it was the transmitter which meant they couldn't even begin to fix it, not unless they had a spare transmitter around.

Which wasn't the case.

Knowing it was a hopeless cause, Carter decided to grab all her possessions from the tent she used to share with Finn before it was too late. Which is exactly why she was stumbling in the dark, her arms full with items that belonged to her.

"Octavia?" A newly familiar voice penetrated Carter's deep concentration. "Octavia?"

"Bellamy?" Carter guessed, cocking her head to the side to see if it indeed was their leader.

Bellamy released the flap of the tent he was looking in, his eyebrows were furrowed his concern. "Carter?"

"Are we gonna continue to name people or are you gonna tell me why you look like you've seen a ghost?" Carter quirked an eyebrow, her voice strained from the weight of the objects in her hands. She couldn't remember a time where Bellamy looked so worried.

"I can't find Octavia, have you seen her?"

Carter knitted her eyebrows together as she thought about the last time she saw her curious friend...

Her stomach plummeted.

The last time she saw Octavia was around the campfire earlier that morning. She didn't even make an appearance when the rockets were being launched. And what made it worse, is Carter didn't even acknowledge her friend's sudden disappearance. "No... I haven't." She answered hesitantly, her voice filled with dread. "Have you looked everywhere?"

"Yeah," Bellamy's voice broke. "She's not in camp."

"Clarke might know, come with me." She instructed, her walk was no longer unplanned and clumsy but was a sterdy stride full of purpose. Once they approached Clarke's tent, Carter let her stuff clatter to the floor, startling Clarke from her trance.

"You're up?" Bellamy asked, mildly surprised to see his co-leader was still up. Clarke was known to go to bed early, whereas Carter was known for only sleeping short periods at time if she slept at all, which was why Bellamy wasn't as shocked to see that the Swedish girl was still conscious at such a late time.

"Yeah, knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on The Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." Clarke remarked as she crouched out of her tent.

"Carter and Raven's flares will work." Bellamy replied somewhat confidently, causing Carter to bite down on her lip. Even she wasn't sure it would work. There was was no way to tell that the Ark was lined up with the Hundred's location for them to even see the light the rocket's emitted.

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