XXIII. Insubordinate

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This chapter is completely off my own back, so the structure may be a little wobbly. If that's the case, then I apologise in advance :L

Bold= Swedish


She was alive.

It didn't make sense to him at first. He was so adamant that his daughter had burned to ashes along with the rest of the Hundred. Nothing but a burned pool of burned flesh and flecks of bone.

But he was wrong. All that time he had spent grieving the loss of his one soft spot, he was wrong. Carter, amongst others, was alive. He wanted to talk to her the second he heard Clarke Griffin's voice crackle through the speakers. But upon hearing that one of their respective camp mate's life was in danger, he decided it would be best to leave it until later.

But the longer that thought was left to fester in his mind, the stronger Kane's nerves got. What would he say? 'Hello Carter, how's Earth? Sorry I haven't been a good father and tried harder to contact you. Guess you kind of expected it considering I've never been a good dad.' No, he waved the thought away almost immediately. He wasn't expecting a happy reunion with Carter, by all means-- in truth, he expected the opposite. Kane had already prepared himself for the suspected abuse Carter would hurl at him for his poor paternal skills.

Even in Carter's youth, Kane wasn't much of a good dad, he spent most of his time trying to uphold his status in his work rather than noting Carter passing all her milestones. Even when Mia had died, Kane had little to do with Carter, especially after finding out Kane was the one to initiate that execution of her mother. She shut him out of her life and he didn't even push to win her back, instead, he did what Kane does best.

He worked. Leaving Finn and Raven to pick up and fix the broken pieces of his daughter. And how did he thank them? He sneered whenever he saw the two in mild distaste-- always thinking he was better than their existence.

He caused Carter to grieve and he couldn't even clean up his mess. Pathetic, Kane hissed at himself. The burdening weight of Carter's 'death' may no longer heavily weigh on his shoulders, but now he had the weight and responsibility of the death of three hundred-and-twenty people as well building bridges with his daughter.

Kane quickly scurried into his room and thrusted open the small metal safe he had under his bed. Inside the safe was a few important documents, a letter to Carter and a 170 year-old whiskey. Greedily, Kane unscrewed the lid and brought the bittersweet liquid to his mouth, welcoming the burn it left trailing down his throat. He hoped that the alcohol would numb the ever growing emotions he felt.

For the time being, at least.

Carter's knuckles rapped against the metal of the hatch to the top level of the drop ship, her face hardened with purpose.

After a moment of waiting, she knocked again, but harder.

"They're not gonna answer," Octavia sighed in defeat. Her eyes focused on the blond as she lazily held onto the ladder, yet her body was so rigid. "I've tried."

"If they had any sense, they would open this damn hatch now!" Carter yelled the last part, hoping they would hear the seriousness in her voice. Just as she was about to start banging harder, there was a swift movement above them and the hatch opened. Bellamy's impatient face loomed above her.


"Let me up." Carter demanded, not waiting for an answer as she pushed her way forward and onto the upper level. Her eyes scanned carefully around the room, hoping to find the item she needed. But, what she saw was far from what she was looking for. Her eyes widened.

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