XXXXI. Running off borrowed time.

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I am on fire with my quick updates! Here's chapter 41 and we're drawing close to the end of Book one guys. *le weep*

Also shout out to A43Cordero who made the awesome cover at the side. Thanks man, I really like it!

Bold= Swedish.


With every prolonged second, Carter's uneasiness grew. She wondered how long it could take to hot-wire a door, but then she wasn't entirely sure where the motherboard for all the electronics was allocated, it wasn't something she really needed to know on the Ark. She tapped her fingers impatiently on her knee counting the minutes that passed anxiously.




"Screw it, I need to help them." She grumbled, going to stand up from the log that she was sat on when Octavia put her hands out to stop Carter from getting up further, although she didn't have to try very hard as the engineer swayed slightly and fell back down onto the log, holding her thumping head. She scrunched her eyes shut as the vision began to fuzz and groaned at the regrettable decision to stand up fast when both her head and foot hadn't fully adapted to their injuries.

"You're not going anywhere." Octavia commanded firmly, handing Carter a damp rag for her head.

"How long do we have to sit and wait?" Carter sighed, wincing at the coldness of the cloth to the open wound by her eyebrow. "We're letting Murphy have the upper hand like this."

"The second those doors open, he's as good as dead." Octavia smiled weakly, patting Carter on the shoulder in a companionable fashion. "My brother can hold his own, stop worrying." Carter didn't respond, instead she pursed her lips and stared down at her lap. A sudden chill ran down her spine and she began to wish she never left her jacket in the Drop ship.

The more she started to think the more guilty she felt. Knowing that there was a high likelihood that Bellamy wouldn't make it out unscathed, her decision to disregard him seemed completely stupid of her. She liked him, yes, and sure, they kissed, but that didn't give her the right to just ignore him. Once again, she was acting out purely on her emotions. She should have spoken to him about it instead of acting like a child, she should have told him that what happened hurt her, it made her feel betrayed, but she didn't. Just like always, she pushed it off, thinking they would have more time.

You would have thought by now, she would know time was a luxury thing for them and not something leisurely.

She just wanted to tell him it was okay. They were okay. In the midst of her all of her feelings of betrayal, it was like she forgot that one piece of information Raven told her when she confessed about what happened.

"... He stopped it. I said we had to be quick before you noticed I was gone and he pushed me away. He said he wasn't going to do that to you."

And despite this, Carter still decided to avoid him. It wasn't like they were an actual thing, he technically did nothing wrong, so why the hell did she get so worked up about it? Carter swatted the thought away, disinterested. It didn't matter about what happened between Bellamy and Raven, it didn't matter why Carter acted like such a diva. All that did matter was she could sort it out. Their time on Earth was uncertain, and she certainly planned on holding no grudges. Look where that got Murphy. She was going to make things right with him, she had to. He was the only person who had ever managed to get under her skin and past her defenses. She wasn't going to let him go that easily. No way.

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