XXXV. Shake it like a Polaroid picture.

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"What..." Finn trailed off in confusion before he noticed the blood on Carter's gloved fingers. She looked up at him and her eyebrows weaved together. "Oh no." He made a move to approach Carter and she shook her head vigorously.

"No, don't. Don't come any closer, please." She staggered back further towards the exit of the tent still clutching her nose.

"Carter, it's okay, I'm immune." Finn tried to reach for her again but she jumped back before he could and she lost her footing, almost falling back into one of the walls of the tent, but arms caught her before she did. She looked up and noticed Bellamy wearing the same concerned expression as Finn and she quickly scrambled away from him and towards the exit of the tent.

"I'm not taking any chances on it," Carter's voice was muffled by her hand. "I don't want you to get sick because of me, got it?" With that, she stumbled her way out of the tent and before she could even get a few steps away from the tent, an overwhelming feeling burned it's way up Carter's throat and she staggered her way over to a tree before she collapsed and heave up clots of blood and another substance she was was unsure on. After two violent rounds of throwing up her own blood she felt her arms and legs go weak but she leaned back against the tree and half-heartedly wiped away the blood from her mouth. Her headache had gotten to the point where it felt there was a constant jackhammer drilling into her brain and she could already feel the sweat gathering up on her forehead.

She swallowed hard, cringing at the taste of wet metallic down her throat and closed her eyes, suddenly feeling exasperated. Before she could give in to the sleepiness that wanted to take her, she was roughly picked up and jolted awake. She opened her eyes to see Bellamy helping her walk to the Drop ship since she was rendered incapable to carry her own weight.

"Please let go of... me." Carter breathed, she closed her eyes after she felt the world spin. "You're gonna... get sick."

"I'd rather get sick than let you collapse in a bush and end up like Derek and Lisa." Bellamy murmured as he head onto her waist tighter. "Don't even try to argue with me on this Carter, you're going to lose."

Carter didn't reply. Not because she was accepting that she lost,she wasn't happy about that, but because she couldn't physically muster up enough energy to reply.

"Carter?" When Carter reopened her eyes, she noticed how they were already at the Drop ship and she saw Octavia furrowing her eyebrows at the state Carter was in. Wordlessly, Bellamy unhooked Carter's arm from around his neck and gently passed the weak girl over to his sister in the hopes that she could look after her. "Wait, Bellamy! We need to check to make sure you're okay, you touched her."

"I'm fine," Bellamy smiled meekly in an attempt to reassure her. "Just make sure she's okay."

Octavia nodded in response and hesitantly watched her brother retreat. "Let's get you laid down." She murmured to the half conscious Carter. She managed to get the blonde onto one of the makeshift cots before Carter began to heave, not able to bring up her own vomit as it got wedged in her throat. Octavia quickly turned her to the side, so the contents could leave Carter's body and the brunette began to pat Carter's back, assisting her. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

Once Carter had stopped, her breathing was ragged and she managed to choke out a 'thank you' before passing out completely.


She was bed-ridden for the entire day and she hated it.

Not only was she missing her favorite lesson which just so happened to help her become an engineer, but she was also made to stay under twenty different blankets with a thermometer constantly wedged between her teeth so her mother could read her temperature.

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now