SIX| some rescue mission...

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Bold writing= Swedish.


After much debate, the search party for Jasper was Carter, Clarke, Wells, Bellamy and everybody's favorite, Murphy.

Finn decided at the last minute that none of them should go because it's a 'suicide mission'. Carter couldn't have made a bigger scene in front the whole camp.

Pissed was an understatement to how she felt.

Clarke, Carter and Wells were a few steps ahead of the other two. Clarke looked at Carter with a curved brow "You look mad,"

"I am mad," Carter corrected, she kept her hard glare on the floor. "I cannot believe he bailed out like that."

"Well he did," Clarke sighed. She felt her own anger towards Finn for his sudden cowardliness. She thought he was different, but clearly she thought wrong. "We just need to get Jasper back."

"Preaching to the choir, sister," Carter mumbled causing Clarke to look over with an amused smile. "I can't believe there's others-- Grounders, I mean."

"I know how you feel, I still can't believe it either." Clarke agreed. They stayed quiet for a short pause, each delving into their thoughts about Jasper's well-being when Clarke turned to Carter. "So how did you get arrested anyway? I thought Kane would at least have something to say about his daughter coming to Earth."

Carter scoffed and took the opportunity to avoid Clarke's question. "Yeah because Kane is such a saint." She squeezed her fists and took a deep breath. "My dad cares for nothing except rules. Don't do this, and don't do that and don't hang around with them, they're trouble. As long as I follow the rules, he's happy... my mom though? She was the one that encouraged to do what I want," Carter smiled despite herself. "She always told me 'screw the rules', go have fun, make the most of your life. And I did, it was how I met Finn-- I was running away from one of the guards and I stumbled straight into Finn's life, literally."

Clarke smiled, she could imagine someone like Carter doing exactly that. "So... are you and Finn..." She trailed off somewhat inconspicuously.

Carter pulled a face and laughed. Really laughed. "Me and- no! That's cute, really it is. He's like a brother to me and that's all he'll ever be. He's family." She was about to mention how he, in fact, was with Raven-- her good friend and the one who got her into engineering-- but another voice heightened, making her forget what she was going to say.

"Hey, hold up, what's the rush?" Bellamy asked, quickening his pace to catch up with the trio. "No one survives a spear through the heart."

"Oh aren't you a bundle optimism." Carter rolled her eyes, earning a glare from both Bellamy and Murphy. Her eyes darted to the weapon in Bellamy's hand and widened.

"Put the gun away, Bellamy," Wells snapped, advancing on the two boys with the intention of gaining possession of the gun.

But, as expected, Murphy interfered, nudging Wells back. "Why don't you do something about it?"

Clarke grew impatient with the growing testosterone and interjected. "Jasper screamed when they moved him, if the spear struck his heart he would have died instantly. Doesn't mean we have time to waste." Bellamy grabbed at her arm.

"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go." He scowled, his eyes darted to Carter. "Yours too." If all three important members of the Council thought their kids were dead, there was no way they would come down. He had already done Wells, now all he had left was Councilwoman Abby's daughter and Councilman Kane's-- and they were stood right in front of Bellamy, he had his perfect opportunity to get those wristbands off them.

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