XXXII. New arrival.

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Bold= Swedish.

(If you read the title name in the cook's voice from Corpse Bride, I love you.)


Everybody has different ways of dealing with a sudden loss. Some cry and scream out, some demand for answers, some suffer silently and others are in denial.

Watching as the Exodus ship her father was supposed to be on crash only a few miles from where she stood, Carter definitely felt the last one. Kane wasn't dead...

...He couldn't be dead.

There was still so much they had to mend, so much they needed to rebuild. Carter recalled the last time she spoke to her father and she never even told him that she loved him. Kane died not knowing how Carter really felt because, like always, she pushed it off.

After a few hours of just sitting in her tent, staring vacantly at the floor, Carter stood up, sick of moping around and made a beeline towards her best friends' tent. She didn't bother herself with knocking and rushed straight in, glancing between Raven and Finn who both sported forlorn expressions-- Until they saw her appear.

"Carter." Finn stood up suddenly, his eyebrows weaved together. Carter may have pissed him off when she decided to defend the ones that ruined his plan to make a peace treaty with the Grounders, but his anger dissolved instantly once he heard the explosion of the Drop ship. Now, he wanted nothing but to comfort his best friend. "I'm so sorr-"

"-Did you see it crash?" She rushed out, too busy with her buzzing thoughts to hear what Finn was trying to say. "Did you see the way it fell?"

Neither of them needed three guesses to know that 'it' was the Exodus ship. Raven was the first to answer her, or at least attempt to answer her. "Well, yeah bu-"

"-Then you should have seen everything that was wrong with it, right?" Cater zoned in on Raven. "You're a mechanic, you should have noticed that there was too much wrong with it to just be an accident."

"Carter, I-"

"- I'm a freaking engineer, I learned about those pieces of crap for a living! That ship wasn't ready for launch, the way the thrusters didn't kick on time-- they weren't charged properly! They weren't... They weren't ready," Her eyes began to glisten with a thin layer of tears as she took in the way neither of her friends could look her in the eye. They didn't agree with her. "I mean, they were two days early too! Why would they make a launch like that without telling us? Something was wrong... maybe... maybe the Exodus ship launched by mistake and no one was in it?" She frowned deeply as realization struck her hard, pushing her denial away. Carter shook her head. "No... No! He's not dead!"

Raven and Finn exchanged dejected expressions. How could they tell her that her dad was gone? Her only parent left. Carter's bottom lip began to tremble and she felt her knees weaken. A sob hitched in her throat as she slowly came to the fact that her theory was too far fetched to be considered a possibility. Her hands flew to her mouth to silence the sobs that threatened to spill as the tears finally fell from her eyes. Before her legs could buckle, Finn caught her before she fell and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, giving in to the overwhelming emotions she felt.

Her dad was dead. Gone.

"It's gonna be okay," Finn assured in a soft voice, leading her towards his bed. Raven followed and sat beside of her grieving friend, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, hoping to comfort Carter.

"I... He's gone. My dads dead." Carter bleated, resting her head against Finn's shoulder as each sob wracked throughout her body. It felt like a part of her had literally been ripped out of her chest and it hurt like hell. There was nothing Finn nor Raven could do but hold her in an attempt to soothe her, but all she could do was cry. Mourn the sudden loss of the only parent she had left. For a long time, the only thing that filled the tent was Carter's strangled sobs. She didn't care. The whole camp could witness her weakness and she wouldn't give a shit. She was allowed this.

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