XXXIII. Violence is never not the answer.

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Okay, so technically I'm a day early, but it's my birthday tomorrow so I'll be pretty busy buying my first legal drinks.

Can I also just state..  I WAS GONE JUST OVER A FREAKING WEEK AND THE SECOND I GOT MY INTERNET BACK, MY PHONE CRASHED FROM ALL THE NOTIFICATIONS! Over 14k views and 400 votes? You guys are making me blush :3 Thank you so much!

Whilst I was away I did not one, not two, but three chapters. I was on fire!

Alright I'll go now and let you read :)

P.S Please excuse all mistakes, I'm at my friends and I usually correct my grammar on my laptop... which is still internetless. Like seriously, I haven't even proof read these because I haven't got the time. I promise I will tomorrow when I have the chance.



"H-How?" She stammered out, breathless. He was supposed to be dead. Kara said he was taken by Grounders, yet there he was, being helped into the Drop ship by the very people who stuck a noose around his neck.

Her brief moment of astonishment was quickly diminished by a seething anger that burned through her veins. He was supposed to be dead. She began to grind her teeth together until her teeth ached from the pressure and she clenched her fists, ignoring how her nails nearly cut into her palm. Images of Charlotte's scared, innocent face filtered through Carter's mind and any rational part of her mind was clouded and stormed forward, only seeing red. She didn't stop when she rounded Murphy. Instead, one hand grabbed the scruff of his torn shirt and she swung her other fist back, lunging forward with every ounce of strength she possessed, landing a forceful punch right on Murphy's nose. A satisfying crunch sounded and Carter clutched her fist, seething as she did. An aching pain soared across her entire hand and she looked down to notice the thin sliver of blood on her middle knuckle. That wasn't just her blood either.

"Son of a bitch!" She hissed, attempting to shake away the pain before she reeled her fist back again with every intention of striking Murphy with another blow. Just as her knuckles were about collide with his face once again, someone grabbed Carter's elbow and forced her back before wrapping their arms around Carter's shoulders in an attempt to restrain her. She thrashed against the person and tried to nudge them away as she tried to get back to Murphy. He was grasping onto his nose as crimson poured freely from his nostrils and his eyes were locked on Carter's, wide and terrified. Conner and Derek were quick to assist the injured boy before he fell down and it only fueled Carter's anger more. He didn't deserve anyone's help. "No! Get off me! He should be fucking dead!" She growled, trying to wriggle out of the grip of the one that restrained her. "Get off me!"

The person who stopped her from attacking Murphy again shoved Carter back, momentarily shaking Carter from her fury and stepped into view, blocking Carter's sight of the broken boy. "What the hell has gotten into you?!" Kara demanded, an angry frown weaved in between her eyebrows.

"Me?" Carter scoffed incredulously, zoning in on Kara. "What the hell has gotten into you? Murphy was banished for a goddamn reason so why are you helping him?"

"Look at him!" Kara snapped, taking a step back so Carter could see the cowering boy in the corner of the Drop ship. She made sure to stay close still, just in case Carter decided to lunge again. "Don't you think he's suffered enough without you adding to it?"

"If you want my opinion, I don't think he's suffered enough." Carter stared at him vacantly, her voice void of emotion even though she was boiling with anger on the inside. She turned her gaze back to Kara. "He should be dead for what happened to Charlotte."

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now