XXXVII. "Girl" talk.

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I just wanna say a big thank you to NamesLovely for making the really awesome picture on the side (or at the top, depending on what you're reading from) I'm not gonna lie, I squealed like a little girl when she sent me it so a massive thank you! I means a lot :'D 

And lastly, sorry for the massive gap between updates, my friend has recently got me into Fairy Tail and within a week I've watched 102 episodes. I think I might have a problem.

Anyways, Chapter 37 is here!

Bold= Swedish.


"You suck at being a woman."

"Stick a sock in it, Collins." Carter hissed, sparing her best friend a narrowed glance before she went back to the task in hand. Dawn was slowly approaching and she needed to clean the cooking pot before the others awake. The previous night (or early morning, Carter wasn't one to keep up with the time) Monty and Jasper decided they weren't going to do any work until they had eaten considering they had all worked through dinner. Raven quickly dismissed the idea of cooking, claiming that she didn't even know how to boil water-- though Carter was pretty sure it was just a lame excuse so she didn't have to leave the tent-- and both Monty and Jasper played on the fact that they were too hungry to even move. Leaving only Carter. She warned them that she had never cooked before, but they had no obligations to it.

One burned meal later, they realized never to ask the blonde to cook again. How did she even manage to burn vegetables? Even she didn't know. And because no one made her aware of the fact that she had to stir the food while it was cooking, it was all charred to the bottom of the pan.

Which is why, when everyone else was sleeping-- save for Finn-- she was sat by the campfire trying to scrape away the burned food with her knife. It turned out to be a lot harder than it sounds.

"Seriously, I thought it was built into girls. I thought it was a part of their nature." Finn shrugged, sitting himself beside his best friend on the log.

"Oh, if you want to be like that, why can't you fix the damn radio? Because, hey, I thought all men were supposed to fix things." Carter retorted, not looking up from the pot. They only had three, if the camp found out she almost destroyed one, she was as good as dead.

"If that was the case, then wouldn't that make you a man?" Finn quirked an eyebrow. Carter finally looked up from her work and met his gaze with a steady one, challenging for him to go further. "Actually, it makes sense since you can't cook or do any womanly things."

"I'm gonna slap you into next week if you don't shut up." She threatened.

"See, that was quite manly of you." Finn snickered, earning an elbow to the ribs from his blonde friend. Seeing him double over in mild pain, she smiled at him. Teaches the asshole to be cocky. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing..." Finn groaned as he raised himself back up, holding onto his side. "I wish more girls were as easy to understand as you."

"Oh boy," Carter sighed, placing the pot and her knife down on the ground so that her complete attention was on the brown haired idiot beside her. "Sounds like you've got girl problems, so come on, spit it out."

Finn raised his eyebrows and blinked in surprise at her bluntness, but answered nonetheless, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. "It's..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. "Complicated."

"Complicated? That's all you're giving me to work with? First of, does this involve Raven?" Finn shook his head in answer and Carter pursed her lips. "Well then just forget about it."

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