FOUR| we all have secrets

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Bold writing= Speaking Swedish


Bellamy's face lost all color and his eyes widened. How could she know? He quickly pulled himself back together and put on a guarded expression, his hand inching towards the gun tucked in his waistband.

"Where did you hear that?" He forced a light, incredulous tone.

"Oh my god, really?" She laughed to herself. He didn't know what she said but he sure as hell didn't like it. "Don't make me out to be stupid. It's why I'm on the freaking ground. I'm not a prisoner, Bellamy! I'm eighteen, I would have been floated." She sighed, running a hand through her wet hair in frustration. "I heard Shumway tell you to shoot the Chancellor. I went to go warn him but Shumway got me before I could and pretended I was a prisoner by sticking me this freaking thing on me," she snapped, vigorously pointing at the metal band that clung onto the skin of her wrist. Bellamy looked down at it then up to Carter with wide eyes. He couldn't lie his way out of this, not if she already knew. "So you," she jabbed at his chest. "Are the whole god damn reason I'm here! Do you know how freaking hard it is knowing that you murdered Wells' dad and not being able to say anything?"

Bellamy quickly grabbed Carter's shoulders and pushed her away from the hatch, cautious to eavesdroppers-- especially since he just found out one was on the ground with him-- he spoke in a hushed tone. "Would you relax? I didn't kill him!"

"What?" Carter frowned, her eyes glassed with confusion.

"I didn't kill him," Bellamy repeated running his hands through his hair and taking a step away. He looked back at Carter with the same wide eyes. "You don't understand. I needed to protect Octavia, she's the only family I have left." He sighed in frustration, looking away from the girl's poker face. "I did it once, and you can be damn sure I'd do it again. I will do anything for my little sister. I don't expect you to understand that."

Carter frowned at him. He was just protecting his family, just like she would... She shook her head, no, don't feel sorry for him. He's still a killer... Or an attempted killer.

"I understand," she replied, her mouth and brain weren't on the same wavelength, again. "I would do the same for my father. And then some," A wave of relief smoothed across his face. "But, that doesn't make what you did right. In fact, right now, I think you're a freaking idiot..." Another frown knitted her eyebrows as she looked back up at him. Everything started to click in place. "Wait... that's why you're getting them to take off their wristbands. You want the Ark to think we're dead so they don't come down to arrest your ass, not because of that damn whatever the hell we want crap."

"They won't arrest me," Bellamy shook his head. "They'll kill me."

"Oh my God," Carter rubbed her hands over her face. "Why am I having this conversation with you?"

"I don't know," Bellamy's rough voice replied. "Why are you?"

"I shouldn't even be here," She groaned to herself, everything suddenly overwhelmed her. "I need to go," as she walked past him, he grabbed her forearm. She looked down at his hand, surprised by the sudden heat under her skin.

"Are you going to tell anyone about this?" He asked, glancing at her sidelong.

Unbelievable. She yanked her arm back. "No," she snapped, bending down by the hatch.

"Thank you." He muttered hesitantly.

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for my father's safety." She sighed. "I understand why you did it Bellamy... but that doesn't mean I have to like it." With that, she pulled back the hatch and jumped down, not giving Bellamy a second glance back.

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now