XXVI. An adventure and a past.

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"Well, look what the cat dragged in."

Carter's head shot up upon hearing the familiar tease that was Jasper. Once she met his smirk, her eyes narrowed into a playful scowl. "You don't even know what a cat looks like."

"Actually, Miss Smartass, I do," Jasper retorted, his smirk widening. Carter rolled her eyes and leaned casually against the table they were working out. Both Monty and Jasper had been given the role which consisted of breaking the shells off nuts and distributing them into their ration packs, though from just a few minutes of being there, Carter noticed they both ate more nuts than put into packs. Typical. "What I haven't seen in a while though is you."

"Yeah," Monty nodded his head in agreement, not failing to chuck a nut into his best friends mouth. "Where have you been, Sparky?"

"Well, I don't know if you've heard, but my best friend was stabbed," She began, her tone dripped with nothing but sarcasm. "And I was ordered to look after him. Besides, it was the least I could do, after all he's done for me..." She trailed off, her voice grew quieter towards the end. There was a brief moment of silence between the trio before Carter quickly remembered the reason she was over there. "But anyway, I'm not over here to talk about Finn, I'm here for the nuts."

"Is there a reason for that?" Monty quirked an eyebrow before trying to catch the nut that Jasper chucked at him, though it missed and hit beside his eye, causing him to flinch away in mild pain and Carter to smirk at the pair's antics.

"I have the pleasure of going on a hunt for some kind of bunker and I'm gonna need food." Carter muttered a reply as she chucked two packs into her backpack. She hoped that they wouldn't be gone any longer than a day. Two days tops. So their supply range shouldn't be too big.

"They do know that you suck at reading maps, right?" Jasper interjected, the ghost of a smirk tugged at his lips.

"I'm not that bad and-- wait, how do you know?" Carter frowned.

"That chick, Kara, told me. I thought it was pretty funny, actually." Jasper snickered, popping a handful of nuts into his mouth and chewed them slowly before asking, "Is it true you almost took a nose dive off a cliff?"

"In my defence, the ninety-seven if not older year old map told me there was a creek there, not a freaking cliff," A pause. "Wait, how does she know?"

"Beats me." Jasper shrugged. "So, are they sending you out there on your own?" Carter's eyebrows rose at the sudden seriousness Jasper's tone took.

"Nope," Carter shook her head once. "This is the best part of the whole thing... I have to ask Bellamy to come with me. The twist? He's still refusing to talk to me."

Monty opened his mouth, his eyebrows scrunched with a mixture of curiosity and confusion but his eyes quickly darted in the direction of the Drop ship and whatever he was going to ask was instantly dropped. "Well here's your chance, he's right over there." Monty gestured with his head over to the Drop ship, where Bellamy had just walked out from. Carter felt her smile disappear the second she saw him and a sudden feeling of nervousness washed over her. Stop being an idiot and just ask him, she scalded herself.

"Wish me luck, I think I'm gonna need it." Carter mumbled under her breath, earning herself a reassuring smile from Monty and a nut induced toothy smile off Jasper. The latter of the two made her grimace. Carefully, she left them at the table to continue with their job-- or lack of-- and made her way up to Bellamy. She ignored how he met her stare and then sent her a scowl. She also ignored how his back tensed when she approached. She didn't have the time to care. "Okay. I get you have some kind of problem with me, and I really don't care. But, you best get over this sulk or whatever this is before we leave, because I do not have the patience for you to act like a damn kid."

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