XXI. Engineers > Mechanics.

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Bold= Swedish.


"Aha! You didn't get me then, you little bitch!" Carter mocked at the live wire she held in her hands. She had finally taken Monty's idea on-board and had a two inch gap between her fingers and the end of the wire to prevent her usual dose of electrocution.

There was minor sparks as she connected two different wires together, her eyes squinted as she did. On the Ark, she very rarely fixed things-- she knew what to do, she just got bored of fixing what other people made-- instead, she spent most of her time inventing things to help make the Ark better. Of course, due to the fact she was still a junior Engineer, her inventions were never taken seriously.

And they almost never worked the way they were supposed to, anyway.

So even when she claimed to be working, she was really either upgrading small things, goofing around with other Engineers or just trying to invent new objects. And she wouldn't trade her job for the world, she loved it.

Unfortunately, her dad didn't. Since she was nothing but a toddler, he had plans for her. Plans for her to follow in his footsteps and become as successful as he was. But as always, Carter defied him and decided to follow her own route. One that was induced with oil, mechanical parts and grime. It was just another disappointment she was to him.

Carter was snapped back to her work when the radio emitted a high-pitched crackling sound. A wide, if not smug, grin stretched across her face. She did it. She managed to get all the components to work. All she needed for it to contact the Ark was the transmitter. During the time that Raven and Clarke had been out, Carter had already made a satellite dish that would be connected onto the roof of the Drop ship so the signal would be stronger.

"Hey," A voice interrupted her celebratory thoughts and Carter turned her head to see Raven. Her hands held onto a small toy and a remote controller. Carter's eyes widened.

"I love you." She breathed as she stood up and pried the remote and toy from Raven's hands, her eyes sparkled with awe. "How did you find it?"

"There's a bunker, not far from camp. It's full of all kinds of stuff." Raven shrugged. Carter only then just took in the dejected look on her friend's face and frowned.

"Hey, what's up?"

Raven met Carter's concerned gaze and forced a smile. "Nothing-- It's nothing."

"Yeah, because that was convincing." Carter muttered sarcastically. "I guess you don't wanna talk about it right now, but when you do you know where to find me."

"Wow, Earth's softened you Carter." Raven teased lightly, wanting to divert her attention away from the subject at hand. 

"No it hasn't." Carter narrowed her eyes defensively. She hadn't gone soft, had she? She internally batted the thought away and gestured  "Anyway, look at what I did while you were gone."

Raven diverted her attention to the radio, only just noticing the noise coming from it and she let out an airy laugh of bewilderment. "You fixed it?!"

"No," Carter shook her head. "Not 'fixed' completely, we still need to wire up the satellite and get the transmitter in, and then we test to see if it works." She paused for a moment before smirking. "This is why engineers are better than mechanics, we know how to rewire and jack up a radio, you know how to fix a radio."

"Oh no," Raven scowled playfully, her previous worries were only momentarily forgotten as she joked with her best friend. "You are not doing that again. I told you, mechanics are better-- they don't go round making weird ass inventions."

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now