XXXIV. Ah, shit.

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Again, this hasn't been proof-read. Please excuse the mistakes.

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T H I R T Y   F O U R | AH, SHIT

"Oh my god, Clarke your eyes." Raven gaped as she stared at the thin slivers of blood that trailed down Clarke's cheeks. Clarke touched the liquid, retracting her hand to see her own blood blanketing the tops of her fingers and she frowned.

"Holy shit," Carter breathed, stepping forward to pass Clarke the rag she used earlier so she could wipe the crimson away from her eyes. "Here, use this."

Clarke wiped away the blood, though there was still a stain travelling down her face. Before anything could be said between the girls,  a strained voice from outside began to holler Clarke's name.

"Where's Clarke?!"

At the urgency of the voice, Clarke, Raven and Carter all rushed out of the tent, the latter two for mere curiosity reasons. Carter stopped short in her tracks at the sight of Conner who had blood smothered around his parted lips. He was hunched over, holding onto his stomach as he coughed violently.

"Conner?" Clarke's eyes wandered over the boy's ill demeanor with concern.

"It won't stop." He wheezed.

"What's happening?" Raven asked, voicing Carter's own confusion. No one had time to answer as another round of violent coughing ensued, only it wasn't Conner.

Carter whipped her head in the direction of the campfire where Derek was sat, doubled over as he coughed towards the ground, blood spurting everywhere making the other campers around him jump back in disgust.

Carter went to move towards them with every intention of aiding Derek, but Clarke spoke before she could get two steps away. "Both of you, get away from us."

"What?" Carter frowned. "He needs help."

"They're the ones that brought Murphy in." Clarke responded grimly.

"I don't understand."

"If I'm right, Murphy is infected with a virus. The Grounders must have gave it to him so he could infect us, so stay back." Clarke instructed, backing away and towards the Drop ship, leaving both Carter and Raven dumbfounded with the information she left them with.

"I was prepared for a lot of things the Grounders could do in order to attack, but biological warfare? That I wasn't prepared for." Carter murmured, gnawing on her bottom lip with nervousness.

"Hey, didn't you sucker punch Murphy in the face?" Raven suddenly asked, her whole being went from shock to worry within a fraction of a second. "Do you feel okay?"

"I feel fine." Carter shrugged, knitting her eyebrows together as she looked down at the crusted blood on her knuckles. She never got around to washing it off. She took a step back from her friend and held her hands up to stop Raven from following her. "But just in case, don't get too close. Go warn Finn and the others, I'll be in my tent if you need me, only if it's an emergency though."

Raven nodded hesitantly and the two parted ways. Carter went to extreme measures to avoid people on the off-chance that she had the virus. She felt completely fine, aside from a stomach and headache, but she chalked that down to the lack of sleep and food she had over the past few days.

Just as she was about to make it into the tent, her shoulder knocked against someone and she stumbled back a bit, looking up to see who it was. It was Steven and he was carrying a half-conscious Kara, whose cheeks were stained a crimson color much like Clarke's was.

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