XXXXIII. Hello darkness my old friend I

28K 968 520

Bold= Swedish.


"We've got twenty-five rifles with twenty rounds each, give or take. Roughly five-hundred rounds of ammo. While you two were gone, we made some improvements-- thanks to Raven and Carter, the gully is mined-"

"- Partially mined." Raven corrected Bellamy.

"We could only do half the vicinity and we've got no gun power left." Carter nodded, sitting beside Raven. "Thanks to Murphy."

"Still, it's the main route in," Bellamy countered, gesturing to the makeshift map of camp. "If the Grounders use it, we'll know." He picked up a thin tube and showed it to Finn and Clarke. "They also built grenades."

"There's not many." Clarke observed, weaving her eyebrows up.

"Again, thank you, Murphy." Raven muttered, wringing her nose in mild disgust.

"Yeah, you'll want to give those to people with a good aim and a steady hand," Carter added, standing to her feet. "They're temperamental and can go boom in the wrong hands. We're not exactly masters of explosives, so you're going out on a limb using them."

"We'll make them count." Bellamy assured. "If the Grounders make it through the front gate, guns and grenades should force them back."

"And then?" Clarke asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Then we close the door and pray." Raven piped in, her speech had slurred slightly and Carter looked down to her with concern.

"And pray what? That the ship keeps them out? Because it won't."

"Then let's not let them get through the gate." Bellamy held the radio closer as he spoke into it. "All foxholes, listen up. Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back-- that's the plan."

"That's always your plan." Finn muttered, his expression stoic. "Just like the bomb at the bridge."

"Damn right." Bellamy responded, not missing a beat. "You got a better idea?"

"What about the one's that can't fight? What about them?" Carter asked, leaning against the table on her palms as she addressed them all. "They can't stay here and just wait to get hurt. Shouldn't we let them go? Cause a distraction and leave an opening for them to escape. If we win this thing, we can meet them at the ocean?"

"It's too risky," Bellamy shook his head. "The Grounders could surround us and they'd end up defenceless." Carter's shoulders deflated and she pushed herself away from the table, mildly frustrated. "It's better if we keep everyone who can't fight in camp near the Drop ship, just in case things heat up."

"It can't be that simple..." Clarke mumbled, staring down at the mini camp. She suddenly straightened and looked towards Raven. "You said that there's rocket fuel in those rockets, right? Enough to build a hundred bombs?"

"I also said we've got no gun powder left." Raven answered.

"Once again, thanks Murphy." Carter muttered, her lip curled.

"I don't want to build a bomb." Clarke shook her head, a light smile played on her lips. "I want to blast off."

Carter's eyes widened as she caught onto the plan and an idiotic grin took over her face, despite the grim topic. Raven seemed to catch on, too.

"Draw them in close. Fire the rockets..." Raven trailed off, her voice slightly distant. "A ring of fire."

"Barbecued grounders," Bellamy mused. "I like it."

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