XXXX. Pyscho mode: Activated

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Told you guys I wouldn't be long in publishing it. It's officially the February half-term so I haven't got to worry about college or work, which means more time to write :D

A massive shout out and thank you to Wxckedly who made a new cover, which is fucking awesome! So, thank you!

TRIGGER WARNING: There are minor scenes in here that border the whole 'torture' thing, it's not a major thing but still, I think I should warn you all,  just in case.

Bold= Swedish, as I'm sure you're all aware.


She took a deep breath and groaned lowly, feeling nothing but a hammering pain all along the side of her head.

What happened?

She felt a wet, sticky substance stick all along the side of her eyebrow and went to touch it, but she couldn't move her hands. Her eyes snapped open with panic and she stared around with wide, terrified eyes at the area around her.

She was in a cave of some sort, the damp and musty smell stuck to her nose and the the wall she was tied to dug into her spine from where the rock was hard and jagged. With the little light that illuminated a small part of the cave, she looked down at her hands to see they were bound together with a cold, thin peice of metal wire as were her feet. She tried to move but her head throbbed in protest, making her feel light-headed and her vision went fuzzy. Her senses slowly began to came back to her and she frowned. The last thing she remembered was walking through the forest with the sole purpose on finding her friends and then...

... Nothing. Just darkness.

"Ah, finally. It awakes." A voice sliced through the darkness and she instantly stiffened at the familiarity of it. "For a second there, I thought I hit you round the head a little too hard and killed you. Where would be the fun in that?"

His words sent a shiver down her spine in all the wrong ways and she swallowed the bile crawling up her throat. "Murphy." She grounded out, her voice small and shaky from trepidation. "I should have known you'd do something like this."

"You know, I was wondering how I would be able to get you out of camp without looking suspicious..." Murphy trailed off, finally coming into Carter's view. A sinister smirk pulled at his lips and Carter swallowed. "But then you did that all yourself. One less job for me, am I right? Sometimes, trying to play hero has consequences."

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" Carter seethed, pulling against her bonds, hoping to loosen it in some way, but the more she pulled, the more it tightened and rubbed against the skin of her wrists. Murphy watched what she was doing and crouched down, so he was level with her. His hands grabbed hers and she immediately froze. He harshly pulled at her wrists, making the wire tighten up even more so it broke the skin and caused Carter to yelp in pain as a sliver of blood trailed down her forearm.

"The only way you're getting out of this is by cutting your own limbs off." Murphy spoke evenly before standing back up. Carter's breathing became uneven and jostled as she watched him stalk away. What the hell has she gotten herself into this time? The boy was deranged, completely screwed in the head. "I learned that little trick off the Grounders when they were torturing me for information."

There was no much bitterness and resentment in his tone, Carter flinched. "Do you expect me to care or something? Because I'd hate to disappoint."

Murphy turned to face her and blinked a few times before he emitted an empty laugh. "Oh believe me, by the time I'm done, you will care... Well that's if you can even think properly." He smirked. "I never understood Finn's nickname for you. Bambi. But now I do, it's because you're weak, too incapable to look out for yourself. Like a baby deer."

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