XXXXII. No escaping this war.

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I am still yet to receive my laptop, but I couldn't keep you lot waiting until I got it back, so I wrote all this on my phone and I've gone through it looking for mistakes, but my eyes aren't as keen as Spell Check so do excuse any mistakes.

Btw, it took me a whole hour and a half to download that episode onto my phone, and it's taken up a lot of my memory-- I did all that for you guys. Feel special.

Onwards, to the season finale!

Bold= Swedishhh.


Raven's cries of pain stretched across camp, causing the people outside to wince, hearing the agony in her voice.

Carter winced too, but for a different reason. Raven had a death grip on her fingers, crushing them together and Carter bit down on her lip to stop herself from yelping when Raven squeezed harder. Finn, who was holding Raven's other hand, exchanged a wary glance with Carter. They were both worried for the brunette's well-being. The bullet was too deep for Clarke to even try and get it out and the blonde had stressed that there wasn't enough time for her to operate safely, so cauterzing the wound in order to stop the bleeding was the only thing Clarke could do.

The smell of burning flesh lingured in the air and Carter tried not to breath it in. It smelled vulgar and Raven's wound faired no better than the air smelled. She had a grotesque bloody mark on the side of her abdomen, skin puckered and blistered from the hot blade that closed up the wound.

"There," Clarke placed the blade down on the table, the tip still glowing a bright orange. "That should stop the external bleeding."

"I don't get it, how did Murphy get a gun?" Finn asked, drawing his eyebrows together as he looked towards Bellamy who stood silently beside Carter, his expression was conflicting.

"Long story." Bellamy responded vaguely, feeling no need to waste time with explanations. Carter subconsciously looked down to her wrists, which were now sterilized and bandaged-- courtesy of Clarke-- and shook the memories of Murphy and the cave away. There was more pressing topics to worry about.

"We got lucky," Raven's voice was hoarse and weak. "If Murphy hit the fuel tanks instead of me we'd all be dead."

"Wait, there's rocket fuel down there?" Clarke frowned, leaning closer. "Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build a hundred bombs. If we had any gun powder left."

"It makes sense," Carter murmured, more to herself than to her comrades. "The thrusters never kicked in on time, so there would be hydrazine..." How did she not realize before? "Dammit! If I figured it out sooner we could have used that instead of the crappy mines we did use."

"Relax, it doesn't matter now." Bellamy sideglanced at Carter before looking back around at the mini group that surrounded him. "Let's get back to the Reapers."

In his hand, he held a worn out, leather-faced book filled with various drawings, including one of their camp and Octavia-- much to Bellamy's distain. Carter leaned closer in order to see the sketch of said 'Reapers'. They looked like Grounders, except their appearance seemed more intimidating and angry, if that was even possible. Carter ran her index finger over the drawn markings all over the Reapers face, reminding her of the scales on snakes she once saw in one of the books on the Ark. He wore heavy eye makeup and even as a drawing, his eyes veered downward in an animalistic fashion.

"Maybe they'll help us," Bellamy continued. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

"They don't look like the kind of people you could have a conversation with, Bell. They look like they would skip the formalities and get right down to tearing you apart." Carter spoke lowly, her eyes still fixed on the sketch. There was an element of fear the lay deep within her voice, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

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