XXXXIV. Hello darkness my old friend II

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  • Dedicated to Everyone that's stuck around this far

Bold= Swedish.


She didn't know exactly how long she had been running for, she just knew she could no longer hear the sounds of gunfire, explosions or battle-cries, just the sound of heavy footsteps behind her, thumping against the earth almost in a rhythmic beat.

Carter weaved in and out of trees, she had even ran around one to try and lose the Grounder, but he was still behind her, and catching up too. Unlike the Grounder, Carter's breathing became uneven and her lungs burned from her irregular gulps of air. Her legs felt weak and heavy and her once powerful sprint had turned into an exhausted stagger, the only thing that kept her pushing was that if she stopped; she was dead. Going back to the camp while she still had the Grounder on her tail wasn't an option, if he managed to get into the camp because of her, it would jeopardize their whole plan.

All her running and exhaustion brought back the bittersweet memories of when Shumway chased her through the Ark halls. She could almost laugh at how ironic it was. Her ticket to earth started off with her running for her life, and now her ticket out was just the same way.

As she clambered her way up a hill, her foot slipped on the loose ground and she fell flat onto the dirt and leaves. She tried to muster up the strength to stand, but her muscles were worn and heavy, unable to support her weight. Carter rolled herself over so she was looking up and she watched as Grounder's run turned into something of a stroll as he came to realize his prey was pretty much dead already. Even through his thick beard, Carter could see the twisted smile on his lips, she also watched as his grip tightened around his large axe, testing the weight before he ended the blonde's life.

She didn't scream, she didn't plead for her life, she didn't even show any of the fear she felt on her face. She wouldn't give the Grounder the satisfaction. Like a hawk, she eyed how he favored his right leg, it was barely noticeable, but from her position on the ground, she could just make out how he didn't put all his weight on his left leg.

It gave her an idea.

"You were foolish to think you could outrun me." Ah, it speaks. The Grounder spoke low and deep, his voice matching his intimidating demeanour.

"Not foolish," Carter breathed, pushing her way back on her elbows, trying to create some distance between her and the Grounder. "Just... well, yeah this was a stupid idea." She stopped shuffling back as the Grounder stood at her feet, sneering down at her. She sucked in a deep breath. "But you were also the moron that followed me." The second the last word slipped from her mouth, she reeled her foot back and slammed it into his left kneecap with everything she had. The Grounder groaned loudly and staggered backwards, his axe slipping from his grip and landing with a thud on the floor. Carter quickly scrambled to her feet, just as the Grounder managed to regain his balance. Her plan was for him to go down so she had the upper hand, but she greatly underestimated his strength. His head slowly raised, an animalistic look in his eyes as he growled something in a language Carter had never heard before.

He suddenly charged at her, his full weight ploughing into her and they both fell onto the floor, the air forced from Carter's lungs from the intensity of his weight. Before she could apprehend his movements, a thick and hard fist flew into her face, landing a powerful blow on her cheek, he pulled his fist back again this time it collided with the side of her nose, causing her to yelp in pain. Agony spread across that entire half of her face and it throbbed erratically. In her moment of weakness, the Grounder got off her and limped his way towards his axe. Through watery eyes, Carter noticed how his limp had changed foot and her eyes widened.

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