ONE| curiousity killed the Carter

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What's that? A generic YouTube clip of Radioactive for the first chapter like every other The 100 fanfic?

Hell yes.

Bold writing= speaking Swedish.


Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

The loud thumping of her combat boots was all she focused on, it was all she could focus on. The echo bounced off the metal walls of the Ark in a fast, rhythmic pace. Carter stretched her legs further as she sped up, her heart and lungs protesting as she did.

Come on, come on, you're almost there, she pushed herself, ignoring the heavy, uneven gulps of air she inhaled and exhaled. As she took a sharp turn, Carter lost her balance and cursed under her breath, trying to keep control of her feet but it was too late.

She felt his large hands tighten around her arm, yanking her back. He slammed her against the cold, metal wall and fisted the scruff of her sweater tightly. She was so royally screwed. He stared at her with fury and slammed her body against the wall again, this time there was more strength and aggression behind it, her muscles throbbed and the air was forced from her lungs.

"How much did you hear?" He spat, narrowing his eyes at the eighteen-year-old rookie engineer.

"Enough to know you've got some serious issues," She barely wheezed, clenching her jaw. The look of horror crossed his face and then was quickly replaced with a burning anger and hatred. Maybe she shouldn't have said that...

His rough hands wrapped around her throat and he started squeezing, crushing her windpipe. Carter gasped and tried to kick out but it was all in vain, her lungs began to heave, desperately trying to get oxygen. Okay. She definitely shouldn't have said that.

"I will not have an eavesdropping bitch ruin this for me. Not even Kane's precious little girl." The Commander hissed. Carter desperately grabbed at his hands, trying to pull them away but she knew she was only kidding herself. He was a hell of a lot stronger than her. He began to tighten his grip more and dark, fuzzy blotches impaired her vision. Wow, what a way to go, she thought bitterly, strangled by a freaking glorified guard.

A new look crossed his otherwise livid face which caused her stomach to drop with dread. Carter knew that look, she got it all the time; He had a plan. "Actually, I've got a better, easier way to dispose of you." His hands released from around her neck and she dropped to the floor, gasping for air. Her throat burned as well as her lungs, with little energy, she scrambled away from the psychopath known as Commander Shumway and glowered as she gulped at the air vigorously.

"You... you seriously need to rethink your ca-career choice," Carter exhaled breathlessly. "I don't think your... personality... suits being a... guard- you're too mentally un-unstable."

He suddenly dragged her back to her weak feet and shoved her back against the wall, his left forearm pressed against her collarbones roughly, to stop her from escaping, whilst his right hand pulled out his taser. Oh shit, she mentally cursed, regretting everything she did wrong (which was a lot) in her life. This was it. He was going to kill her and shove her body in the Janitor's closest who also turned out to be a hit-man.

Shumway sneered at her, "If I find out you've told anyone-- and I will find out-- your daddy will be the first person I visit with this," He chuckled darkly, waving the metal baton-taser in front of her face lazily. She could hear the fast hum of the electric coursing through it and swallowed thickly. "I'll make sure he will never spend another minute on the Ark, I can assure you." He leaned in closer to her, his dark expression twisted angrily. "See, I may not be as high as your father, but you can be damn sure I'll get him floated. After all it's pretty easy-- every crime is a death sentence, all I've got to do is set him up and them bam-- bye bye daddy."

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