VIII.The reason why you look before you run.

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"Carter, Carter hey-hey! Stay awake," Finn demanded softly, pulling lightly on the arm she had around his shoulders. Her head shot up and she gave him a half-lidded scowl.

"I am awake asshole," She snapped, though it came out slurred. "I'm just... resting my eyes."

Carter insisted on walking back to camp once Finn offered to carry her. She didn't want to be babied and persisted that she could walk.

She found out the hard way that she, in fact, could not walk (she could hardly limp either) and came to a bargain with Finn that he can be her crutch and support her, but there was no way she was being carried like a Damsel in distress.

But, Finn pretty much dragged her. Carter was running on fumes, her good foot could hardly support her weight, she was tired and the pain made her numb but she wouldn't give up. She was just too damn stubborn.

"Finn, it's time to swap, you've been carrying her for nearly two hours," Clarke stated, coming to a slow stop. Her neck was ducked a little from the weight of Jasper-- who was still unconscious-- despite the fact that Wells carried most of the boy's slumped weight. "Let Murphy take her and you can help carry Jasper with me."

"No!" Finn all but snapped, causing Carter's head to shoot up again, wide-eyed and startled. "He's part the reason she's like this."


"-No," He stood his ground pushing his lips into a thin line. "He is not laying a finger on her. Not when I'm still breathing." Murphy rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Oh please, she deserved it," He muttered bitterly. "I would have done a lot more than just cu-"

"-Hey!" Bellamy interjected, sending Murphy a warning glare. He looked back at the others with a set jaw. "We don't have time to argue about this, if you want the kid and Carter to at least be alive when we get back to camp we need to get back before it's dark."

"He. Is. Not. Touching her." Finn grounded out with determination.

"Fine." Bellamy sighed, dropping his part of the parachute that held the animal Wells and Carter shot down. "I'll take her."

"It's fine, I can just ta-"

"Finn let Bellamy take her." Clarke sighed, she was worried about both Jasper and Carter and all the while the boys argued (specifically Finn...) the well-being of the two injured camp members dwindled. "Please."

After a few beats of staring at Clarke with a conflicted look, Finn begrudgingly unhooked Carter's limp arm from his neck and gently passed her to Bellamy. "Be careful with her."

Bellamy said nothing, he just grabbed her waist tightly and slung her arm over his shoulder.  Carter's head slowly rose at the sudden heat by her hip and she looked up to see Bellamy holding her securely to his side. He felt a sudden warmness under his skin too, but decided to ignore it. She tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was all in vain, she was too weak. "I don't want your help." She mumbled, her head swaying forward and backward.

"Sure you don't." Bellamy answered sarcastically in his gravelly tone. Carter grunted something incoherently, but otherwise stayed mute and focused on keeping herself upright and conscious.

But alas, this is Carter and she's a klutz when she's not injured.

Her good foot hooked under a rogue root and she fell forward, yelping as she did. Bellamy still had hold of her and managed to stop her from face planting the floor from his sudden death grip on her waist.

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