XXIX. Awkward small talk

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Kane grew increasingly anxious the longer he stared at the list of the 101 criminals accompanying his daughter until he got down. There no argument between the council that Abby and Kane would be on the first Exodus ship so the reunion between them and their children would happen sooner rather than later.

He remembered the horror on her face when he told her the truth concerning Mia, he knew it would take her time to get over that kind of information, but he was willing to accept that. All he wanted was his daughter back safely in his arms, so he could treat her the way a parent is supposed to treat their child. He hoped it wasn't too late for that, after all, she was eighteen. Her childhood is over and she begins adulthood-- the time when children don't need their parents.

He exhaled loudly, scanning over the faces of the Hundred, briefly checking their bio as he did. He didn't know why he was doing it to himself, he already knew there was killers down there with her, but he wanted to know every threat, which didn't exactly give him the peace of mind he was looking for.

Then one name stuck out. Finn Collins. Carter's best friend.

He didn't know whether the fact that Finn being down there was a good thing or not. The boy was reckless and had no care for the law. He dragged Carter down a path Kane did not want for her. Councillor Kane had never approved of their friendship, but that only made the two kids become closer, since Carter would do anything to piss Kane off. He didn't know at the time it was her way of crying for attention, he just thought it was a 'phase' brought on by the people Carter decided to surround herself with. If he knew then, what he knew now, things would be different. Kane himself would be different.

With another quick scan of Finn's bio, Kane sighed. At least he knew Finn would protect Carter. That was something Kane could never deny of the boy. Finn Collins had always protected Carter and Raven Reyes. That gave Kane some peace, at least.

"Councillor Kane, sir?" A sudden voice interrupted the solitude Kane had built for himself. The man in question startled slightly and snapped his attention towards the voice. Of course it would be Shumway. You promote the guy to Commander and suddenly he won't give you a moment alone...

"Shumway." Kane swallowed the urge to sigh yet again. He turned off his tablet so Shumway couldn't see what he was doing and stood up, giving the Commander his full attention. "Can I help you?"

"Actually, sir, you can." Shumway replied, almost too calm for Kane's liking. Usually, he was very uptight and Kane could recall the man sweating a few times too.

"Well then, what are you waiting for?" Kane frowned, his impatience was getting the better of him.

"Not here," The Commander lowered his voice slightly, there was almost something menacing about it. "Somewhere more private, sir."

Kane glanced around the empty control room and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "What is it, Commander?"

"It's concerning Carter, sir," Shumway whispered. "We need to talk somewhere more secluded."

At the name of his daughter, Kane flagged down any warning bells and red lights in his mind and nodded slowly, allowing Shumway to lead the way.


"Are you sure you don't want to take this one? It might be lighter."

"I'm fine, Bellamy." Carter sighed, trying to keep the strain out of her voice. To her, one gun was pretty heavy. So having to carry a whole makeshift sack of the things was more than just a task, but she refused to let Bellamy help. She wanted to be able to do it on herself.

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