XI. The family song.

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Bold= Swedish


"Seventy-two bottles of beer on the wall, seventy-two bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, seventy-one bottles of beer on the wall, seve-"

"-You're killing me." Monty groaned loudly from the corner of the room. Carter mock gasped and he sent her a flat look. "That's, what, the forth time you've sang that damn song."

"I'm bored..." Carter defended lamely, her eyes trained down on her two feet.

"What is that song anyway? I've never heard it." Octavia asked from her position next to Jasper. None of them had left the second level of the drop ship since Murphy's outburst and Carter was desperate to get out. Not only for the sake of her sanity, but because she wanted to find Finn and Charlotte. She figured that hours had passed since someone shouted that the acid fog had passed and the Hundred left the drop ship. But none of them budged, not until they were sure Murphy wouldn't try to kill Jasper.

"I don't know," Carter shrugged, her eyes still glued to her feet as she limped slowly from one end of the drop ship to the other, trying to train her injured foot to walk again. "My grandparents on my mother's side used to sing it to me."

"Were they big drinkers by any chance?" Monty asked, the ghost of an amused smile tugged at his tired lips.

"My Grandpa was," Carter nodded her head vigorously. "He used to have a secret stash of scotch in his room." She chuckled lightly to herself. "Said that his parents took the liberty of taking their whole bar on the Ark with them."

"Sounds like he was fun at parties." Octavia mused with a grin. She then noticed what Carter was doing and frowned. "What would Finn say if he saw you trying to walk without a crutch?"

Carter stopped and dramatically turned her head to face Octavia with a pointed look. "Finn is not here."

"Look at you being all rebellious," Octavia snorted. "Who would have thought you were Councilman Kane's daughter."

Carter smiled as a sudden surge of happiness ran through her. "That's exactly what my mother used to say." She sighed with content at the memory of her mother teasing her and went back from limping from one side to the other. It shocked her how easy it was to walk on her bad foot and when Octavia checked it and re-bandaged it, she said how well it was healing. Carter shook away the memory and continued limping. "Seventy-one bottles on the wall, Seventy-one bottles-" Both Octavia and Monty groaned over dramatically, causing Carter to smirk and sing louder.

"Hey everybody, they're back!" An unfamiliar voice sounded through the vents. Carter paused and exchanged wide-eyed looks with Octavia as they both scurried towards the hatch. Octavia was the first to climb down, Carter hot on her tow-- slower as she still didn't trust her injured foot.

"Yeah, it's okay guys, I'll stay up here-- I don't mind!" Monty called after them sarcastically with a huff. He looked to his best friend and half smiled. "Girls. What you gonna do?"

Carter limped her way out and picked up her speed the second she saw Finn. She ran straight into him and enveloped him in a hug. It took him by surprise at first, but he smiled and picked her up, hugging her tightly. "Thank God you're safe," he whispered with relief.

"Ditto." Carter replied with a giant smile. He put her back down and examined her with a sudden frown.

"Where are your crutches?"

"They were getting in the way," Carter brushed him off. "It's okay, I can walk on both feet. Kind of."

"... Yeah, I got it. Come on let's go talk." Carter turned her attention to Clarke and Octavia, the former trying to lead the latter away. There was sadness in Clarke's voice that peaked Carter's full attention. Octavia held up her index finger, singling for a minute and wiggled out of Clarke's grip as she walked towards her brother.

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