XIX. Acquiring the nickname 'Sparky'.

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"Hey, Raven said you'll know what to do with this."

Carter glanced up to see two boys carrying a large, heavy object between them; the control panel to the Pod. She smiled. "Yeah, just put it down there, I'll take it from here." The two boys did as she said and walked away, talking aimlessly amongst themselves.

Carter helped all she could with the dismantling scrap metal and various other materials off the Pod and then decided to hike it back to camp to get the launchers for the flares ready, while the others stayed back and got other materials.

She began to dismantle the control panel, when a familiar voice stopped her from working. "Need any help?"

"Sure. The quicker we can get this done, the quicker the Ark can see that we aren't dead." She murmered, not looking up from her work. Monty nodded and sat opposite her. They both worked in a content silence, only speaking when they needed to use a tool that wasn't in their reach. Rewiring a control panel to initiate the launch of rockets was a hell of a lot easier than trying to fix the wristbands, Carter noted.

Of course, her work didn't go without it's dangers and not long into molding two wires together, she got electrocuted.

"Ow!" She hissed, pulling her arm away from the naked wire and scowling hatefully at it. "Why is it always me to get electrocuted?"

"Because you're the only idiot to hold the exposed part of the wire." Monty snickered. He gestured with his head down to his own hands and Carter noticed that there was at least two inches in between Monty's fingers and the end of the wire. She always held it right to the tip to she had more control. Well, she found out where she was going wrong...

"Shut up." Her eyes narrrowed into a soft glare.

"Hey, did you put that map back?" Monty asked suddenly with a raised eyebrow. "The one I gave you to find Finn and Clarke?"

"What ma-- oh shit, no I forgot." Carter's eyes widened. She quickly scrambled to her feet and grabbed the back pack that was beside her. She threw a half-hearted "I'll be right back!" over her shoulder to Monty as she briskly walked through the heart of camp, she wanted to run but it was likely to draw too much attention. Once she arrived at the tent the map was originally in, she looked around cautiously to make sure no one was watching before she slipped in.

No one was in the tent, much to her advantage and Carter quickly undid her pack, snatching the map from inside of it. She laid it down on the table and took a step back to see if it was noticeable that it was even gone in the first place. Once she was satisfied, she turned around to make a sly exit-

-when she walked straight into someone's chest.

Carter stumbled back, trying to regain her balance and looked up to see who it was she just so happened to walk into. Bellamy. Of course, she thought bitterly. Of all the people who could have walked in, it just had to be him.

He looked from her to the map on the table and smirked. "So that's what happened to the map."

"Monty did it," Carter rushed out childishly. "I was just being a good friend and putting it back for him."

"Has anyone ever told you, you're a bad liar?" Bellamy quirked an eyebrow.

"Many times." Carter sighed with a flat look on her face, inwardly cursing at her incapability to lie. Dammit Carter. "So... is there a reason you're in here...?"

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