FIVE| trouble in paradise

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The gif you see was made by the wonderful solased I'm finally editing the chapters and I found the perfect place for one of the aforementioned gods which is cool and I love it. Thank ye, I love all three of them!

Bold writing= Swedish.


Carter awoke on top of the Drop ship just as the sun began to rise and reflected off the glistening dew drops that surrounded her. She sat up sleepily as a groggy smile eased onto her face as the crisp morning air nipped at her arms. She watched with awe as the sun rose, shielding her eyes as the bright fiery orange and yellow rays began to light up the treeline. It was a hell of a lot more beautiful down on the ground compared to space.

And for the first time since she was on earth, Carter was actually happy to be there-- hell, the way she felt, it was probably the happiest she felt in a while.

She stood up shakily and glanced around in wonderment. She wasn't entirely sure how she managed to sleep amongst exposed wires and other various dangerous objects, but she did. She didn't want to sleep on the floor, especially since Murphy seemed to be out for her blood.


The memory of their last encounter surfaced and she glanced at her arm curiously. It had stopped bleeding, but there was a large gash going from the top of her shoulder to half way down her bicep surrounded with crusted dark blood. She poked it and hissed as a singe of pain flowed through her whole arm. With a disconted huff, she pulled her grey sweater on and tried to ignore the large patch of blood along the sleeve. Carefully, she began climbing down the ladder, jumping down the last few pegs onto the damp mud below.

Carter looked around the camp with a half-lidded sleepy gaze. Only a few people were up, aimlessly walking around with nothing to do, some spoke together and small groups with small smiles.

She contemplated going to her little reserve she found, but quickly decided against it. She didn't want to risk being followed and it's location found. It was selfish of her not to tell the others, but she didn't care. It was an escape for her and only her.

Her eyes fell on the Drop ship and they lit with an idea. There was probably scrap pieces of metal she could manipulate to make as tools so she could finally fix the panels on the roof. Some of the Hundred had taken shelter in there for the night, so she made sure to be quiet. Most of the interior had already been used to make tents and other things the camp could use, but in the corner there was some discarded screws from the seats and bent pieces of metal. She bit back a smile and the urge to fist pump the air and grabbed the materials before making a quick exit out, successfully waking no one up.

Until she got outside. She lost her footing as she walked down the ramp and fell, all the the scrap metal flying out of her hands and clattering down onto the ramp. She cringed at the loudness of it, followed by a moan from inside the Drop ship.

"What was that?" A croaky voice slurred from inside, although where they were still half-asleep and didn't have full control of their speech it came out more like, 'Wohtwuszat?"

"Sorry!" Carter whisper-yelled back, picking herself up and the metal. She could feel her neck and cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Idiot." She mumbled to herself, retreating towards the fire that managed to survive the night.


A few hours later, practically all of the Hundred were up. Some moaned about the noise that woke them up early that morning and Carter looked down at her feet inconspicuously.

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now