X. Saving Private Jasper.

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By the time Carter and Charlotte returned from the little paradise, most of the camp was up...

... And moaning about Jasper.

"Carter!" She cringed at the anger in Finn's tone. Slowly, Carter turned to face her best friend with an innocent smile.

"Hi." She replied a little too sweetly.

"Where the hell have you been? I thought you got kidnapped or something!" He exclaimed, looking her up and down for any new cuts or bruises.

"I stayed with Charlotte, she couldn't sleep so we sat under a tree until we both fell asleep," Carter sent Charlotte a sly wink and Charlotte bit the insides of her cheeks so she didn't blow their cover. Finn looked between the two of them suspiciously but didn't pursue it.

"I need to change your bandage, come on." Finn ordered somewhat grumpily. Carter rolled her eyes dramatically and looked down at Charlotte.

"You know where I am if you need me." Charlotte nodded as Carter and Finn walked towards the drop ship. Carter's mood dropped at the sight of it. She hated the thing with a passion. "Hey Finn..."


"Do you think you could help me get up to the second level, where Jasper and Monty are? I need to talk to Monty and I really don't want to stay on the lower level, it drives me crazy." Finn raised an eyebrow at her explanation.

"I could try and take you up there on my back?" He suggested. He knew he could argue his point to the ends of the earth about the fact that climbing a ladder is dangerous when you've only got one working foot, but he wasn't stupid. She would do it anyway, with or without his consent, so instead of arguing he just decided to agree with her, at least he would be there if anything went wrong.

"That sounds dangerous... I'm in." Carter snickered, hobbling after him. Once they got to the ramp, Finn managed to get her on his back without a problem and held tightly under her legs so she couldn't fall.

"I'm going to need my hands so wrap your legs around my waist, just be careful." He instructed. Carter did as he said and tightened her grip on him. He was shaky on the first few pegs of the ladder but the further they got, the more comfortable he felt and adjusted to the extra weight. Once they was up, Carter released her grip on him and sat on the edge of the hatch hole as Finn went back down and passed her up her crutches.

"Carter, what are you doing up here?" Clarke gaped as Carter used the crutches to stand on her foot. "If you've used that foot so help me I'll-"

"Relax Princess," Finn smirked, reappearing on the second level. "I carried her up here. If I didn't, she would have found a way up anyway. Besides, I need to check her foot and all the medical stuff is up here." Carter ignored their conversation and hobbled her way over to Monty who was tucked in the corner, examining wristbands that had been taken off.

"Any luck?" Carter raised an eyebrow as she slowly lowered herself opposite him and placed her crutches to the side. He looked up from his work only just noticing her presence.

"Not yet," He shook his head. Carter's shoulder's deflated. "But I did fix your boot." She looked up and smiled gratefully at him. She missed that boot.

Finn crossed his legs and sat across from her, slowly undoing the bandaging. He bit his lip and looked at Carter and then at Clarke, who came to check on it. "Not bad," She smiled at Carter. "You're healing pretty fast. I give it a few more days until you can try and walk without the crutches."

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now