XVI. It's raining Pods hallelujah.

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Bold= Swedish.


Hours had passed Carter since she decided that the dead wristband was a lost cause. Somewhere between the hours of 11pm and 2am (she still had no way of telling the time,) Monty called it quits and bidded the young blond goodnight. After that, she decided to work on something other than the complicated technology that belonged to the wristband.

When she was finally done and left the drop ship, it was almost dawn.

She grabbed the lantern she and Monty made from the table and pulled the jacket tighter around her body, one hand kept it wrapped tight while the other hand held tightly onto the latern and a small metal cross.

Turned out, making a cross out of metal without tools was a lot harder than she thought. She should have made it from wood, like a normal person would have done.

As she walked out, she noticed that the patrol on the wall had doubled. Carter was aware of the strict 'no leaving camp walls at night' rule, but she concluded that technically it wasn't night. Not that she cared for the rules anyway. The ones on the Ark could barely stop her from doing what she wanted, much less the ones on the ground.

But still, she found herself tip toeing stealthily through camp and kept herself in the shadows as she approached the well-built wall. She looked up at the kids on watch and then slowly opened the gate, just enough so she could slip through. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest with excitement. She hasn't been able to sneak around since before Finn got locked up. He was usually her partner in crime, but he and Clarke were still nowhere to be seen.

And Carter had a bad feeling about what they were up to.

Just as she was about to slip though the small gap unnoticed, a sudden voice made her freeze. She cringed at how loud the person spoke.

"Where are you going?"

Carter turned around and immediately put her index finger to her lips, telling the boy to shut up. She instantly recognized him. It was Steven. He jumped down from the small balcony that the people on watch stood on and stared at Carter, waiting patiently for her to answer.

"Out." Carter whispered back. She hoped her vagueness would tell him that she really didn't want to talk at that moment. But if he did get the message, he ignored it.

"But we're not allowed ou-" Steven began loudly and Carter's eyes widened in fear of being caught.


"Oh, sorry. I have a naturally loud voice." Steven whisper/yelled. "Can I come?"

"What?" Carter frowned. She barely knew the kid.

"Please? No one ever lets me out of camp. I'm not allowed to go on all the cool adventures that you guys go on." He pleaded, his dark blue eyes stared deeply into Carter's. She hardly called being stabbed in the foot and running away from Psycho-Murphy an adventure...

Carter didn't want to risk being caught because the kid wouldn't stop pleading her, so instead of arguing, she just nodded. Steven mini fist pumped the air slyly and was quick to follow her out. As soon as they were safely on the other side of the wall and away from the people on watch, Carter turned the latern on, letting it light up the way to where she was heading. Carter knew exactly what route to take and what she was doing, whereas Steven didn't have a clue.

"Where are we going? Are we going hunting?" He asked eagerly, jogging to catch up to Carter's quick stride.


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