XXXI. Ending Unity Day ironically

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"I used to hate the stars, they were just so boring, like all we knew them as they were; massive balls of burning gas that probably exploded thousands of years ago,"  Carter bubbled aimlessly as she lay on her back, staring up at the clusters of light that scattered themselves across the sky. "But on the ground they're just so beautiful, it's like each star pattern tells a story and you've got to really take in the beauty of it all to understand it." She lifted her head to see if Bellamy was still listening to her and caught him just in time to see the small smile on his face as he shook his head.

"You really are something else." Bellamy chuckled airily from where he sat.

"I know, I'm a babe." She grinned stupidly, fully sitting up. In order to help her sober up efficiently, Bellamy guided her to the more secluded part of camp. There was a few drunks who staggered by every now and then, but apart from that it was quiet and the atmosphere was clearer, allowing Carter to recover from her intoxicated state. She cocked her head to the side as she stared at him and a slow smile crept onto her face. "I like your smile." She blurted, unphased by her bold statement, courtesy of the alcohol that clouded her mind. Bellamy's expression faltered out of shock and Carter laughed and feigned a gasp in shock, "What's this, Bellamy has a shy side of him, too?"

"Shut up," He denied, all too quickly for Carter. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Oh, he has a bitchy side to him as well!" Carter snickered to herself. Bellamy tried so hard not to smile at her behavior, he really did, but the smile broke out on his face before he could stop it,  and Carter stopped chuckling almost instantly after seeing this and smiled fondly instead. "See? That smile right there, that's the smile I like. Not those stupid half smiles you're always pulling. I like that smile. It's almost as pretty as the stars..." She trailed off, looking up at the dark sky, still smiling. Bellamy was rendered into his own silence, unable to come up with any words to say. Even if those words were just from the alcohol, he couldn't even muster a sentence to say back. He shifted slightly on the log he was sitting on, not liking the new feeling that washed over him. For the most part, Bellamy almost always knew what to say. But no words formed. Carter had literally stunned him into silence with her blatant honesty and he didn't like it. She looked back down at the confusion on his face and her smile grew as she cocked her head to the side.

"What?" He asked, frowning at the inquisitive look on her face.

"You know, when I first met you, I thought I had you pinned. Just another general asshole who needs to be knocked down a few pegs," She began, her words not as slurred as before, but still a little fuzzy. "I dealt with those kind of people all the time at work-- Hell, most of my team were assholes, so I knew how to deal with you..." She then frowned, "But then you confused me because you're not an asshole-- well, you are sometimes, but not like I thought you would be-- and you have all these hidden parts to your personality that you've got to really concentrate on just to see them and- and I can't pin you down, Bellamy, you're a mystery to me." Her face suddenly lit up. "You're like a pattern of stars, that's it! You, Bellamy Blake, are like a cluster of stars, just waiting for someone to look closer at you to see you're more than just a cluster of stars, you have a story and hidden secrets and all it takes is one person to just really take you in and admire you to see that your not just that asshole star." She paused for a moment before high-fiving herself, ultimately breaking whatever atmosphere her words had created. "Man, I'm good." She chuckled, hoping to lighten the air around the two of them as she slowly became conscious of what she was saying. Did she really just compare Bellamy to a freaking constellation? Way to go, Carter!

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